Say Goodbye To The Halls And The Classes,

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Crimson's POV

"Crim, times are tough, and there's nobody around here anymore that needs a sound engineer. We found a band for you in Baltimore, that's the closest one. The other was all the way in Surrey"

"I know they are Jay, and I'm glad you're not packing me off to the UK. But I haven't been to Baltimore in a long time, what if something goes wrong" I pleaded, hiding that fact that here, I almost had exactly what I want.

Sure, it may not have been a precise replica, but it was close.

"Come on Crim. We both know what you're really worrying about, and I know that when you're touring you can't decorate your room like it is at home. We know that you're not gonna get your Neverland. But you're 25, you're too old for fairytales now"Jay replied, and my heart sunk.

I know I am too old for fairytales, but everyone has a dream. So, with a nod I slumped away, and went to the Secretary to gather all the details of my new band.

From what I could gather, they were Baltimore's finest. But that's all I could gather, they were playing to HUGE crowds. That's all they gave me. No band name. Nothing.

2days later

Right, my things were packed. Most of them were ready to be shipped over to Baltimore and the few others were coming with me. Hopefully, counting flight time and waiting, they'd arrive at my new home a couple hours later than me. I was nervous to say the least, but I was kind of excited as well, who knows, this might be the fresh start I needed.

After plane journey

I walked to the turnstiles and picked up my bags, the flight was long and tiring, but I coped.

I saw a man holding a sign with Peter Pan on it and a teeny Mickey Mouse in the corner. I walked up to him to be greeted with "I'm guessing you're Crimson"

"You guessed correctly"  I replied "Might I ask who you are"

"I'm Matt, but everyone calls me Flyzik"

"You worked with the band a long time?"

"You could say that, I'm their tour manager, but I'm leaving next year"

"That's so sad, I worked with a band for a couple of years but I had to leave, the US was calling my name"

"So you're from?" he questioned

"Well, originally I'm from Towson, but I moved to Sheffield and then Cali"

"So you're a local"

"Sorta, I lived here eighteen years"

"Sweet, what was the band you worked with"

"Well I did some work for You Me At Six, but then they introduced me to Bring Me The Horizon. They're cool guys"

"Sweet, we best get going, I shouldn't leave the boys on their own"

I nodded and followed but his last sentence replayed in my head, were these guys children?

After a twenty minute journey we arrived at a warehouse kinda place.

"Wait, I thought we were going to my new apartment?" I questioned.

"Change of plan, you're gonna go and meet the band, and since I have a spare key to your apartment, I'll drop off your things"

"Umm, okay. I guess."

I walked away from the car and made my way to the warehouse door. I could hear music threatening to spill out of the windows and onto the streets, and the best part, when I walked inside I saw an amazing backdrop. They were shooting a music video.

All around was paper hot air balloons and a giant orange cave. I was tapped on the shoulder and turned to face four guys, which I'm sure I recognised.

"Hey, I think I've met you guys before, were you at the Kerrang awards this year?" I questioned

They all nodded and one of them stepped forward.

"Hi, I'm Alex. I sing, play guitar and make women fall at my knees" he said, adding a wink at the end.

"Hey, I'm Jack, the best looking member and guitarist. " another said.

Alex introduced the other two as Rian and Zack, Zack seemed shy and Rian was filming a Keek.

"Hey guys, look, a random sound egineer appeared. Yes, it's a she!" Rian pointed the camera at me and I blushed, giving a small wave.

"Well, guys. I'm Crimson, but everyone either calls me Crim or Red. S'up to you"

"Hmmm, we'll find a better nickname than that for you" Alex chuckled.

"Wait! I just remembered who you are! You're All Time Low!"

Alex grinned and walked off in the direction of the orange cave. All of a sudden cameras were rolling and the guys were all sat a table, pretending to eat. In all honesty, it didn't take that long for them to finish filming.

As I walked out the door they started to play a song in the background, so I stuck around to listen. It was quite catchy actually. Then the chorus came in, loud and fantastic.

Wendy run away with me

That's all it took for me to realise the song was about Peter Pan. Alex walked up to me and asked me what I thought of the song.

"It's great, catchy and thoughtful. Plus, it's about Peter Pan, so extra points for that" I replied honestly.

"Well I am a bit of a Peter Pan nerd. I love it."

"Honestly? Me too. I've loved it since I was five."

"That's it, that's your new nickname. I'm gonna call you Wendy."

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