The Weekends With Old Friends

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"Crim, chill out, you look fine"

Alex wasn't the best at reassuring. But Cass was gonna be here, and she always dressed so damn well. So I wore my Jagk Boner shirt and some dropdead skinnies with my red vans. I was quite proud of my outfit.

"Hey Alex, I'll be there in a second, I just gotta make a call." I yelled.

C: Hey, Oli. You don't need a sound engineer or a tech for anything do you?

O: Oh my god! Is that Crimson? And no, sorry we're a bit overstaffed at the minute. How come you need a job?

C: I got fired. So I'm coming back to Sheffield, I kinda need a job.

O:Ohh, great and not so great. Hmm, I think Hannah might be looking for some help though. Do you still have that tattooing license?

C: That's awesome, could you ask her for me? I do still have it by the way, get it renewed whenever it needs doing.

O: Sure, I'll text you when I find out, see you later love

C: See ya soon Oli


I walked in to find Jack wearing the same shirt as me. He crossed his arms and said: 'well one of us will have to change' and then everyone burst out laughing. I sat next to Alex and we all decided to play Never Have I Ever.

'Never have I ever got a DUI' only me and Jack drunk.

'Never have I ever been to jail' nobody drunk

'Never have I ever run away from home' me, Alex and Zack drunk.

'Never have I ever been engaged' I drunk.

"Ooh... who was it? Were they English?" Jack pressed

"Yes Jack, they were English. Can we move on?"

Everyone nodded and we carried on, it ended up that Jack and myself were the two most drunk at the end. Rian was almost sober, really.

Somebody knocked at the door and I went to open it, on the floor was a basket. It was full of my favourite things and had a small note on it. Turns out it was from We Are The In Crowd, as they were supporting All Time Low.

Hey Crimson,

Really sad to hear that you're going, and we're gonna miss you a ton!

We got you these as a going away present, thanks for standing in for our sound guy! I know ATL will be miserable without you!


Tay and the guys!

I looked further into the basket and at the bottom I found a thimble pendant and an acorn pendant, both on seperate chains. With another note: give one to Alex, as a reminder of his best friend.

I did as it said and he immediately put it on. I did the same with the acorn pendant.

Alex gave me a hug and I went to WATIC's bus. Tay opened the door and I thanked her for all the stuff, I also gave her one of my mic's. It was white with black lace pattern up it, I designed it myself. Tay had been eyeing it up since the beginning of tour.

"You really don't have to Red, it's your favourite mic"

"and now it's yours. Look after it, I wanna see that you're using it." I replied and said my goodbyes.

It was heartbreaking saying goodbye to the guys aswell, they mean the world to me.

"Guys, I'm gonna stay on your bus tonight, if thats okay?" I declared.

"Of course you can Crim, we can all have a movie marathon" Zack replied.

I walked with them back to their bus and we all sat on the sofa, Jack picked one movie and I picked the rest, but we decided that there would be no Home Alone tonight.

A few hours had passed and we were on to the last movie, and quite close to the end of it.

"Alex, I don't wanna go" I whispered quiet enough that only he would hear.

"Don't go then, we'll all stand up to Flyzik"

"I can't ask you to do that, he's been your friend for years and I've only known you a few months."

"At least stay in Baltimore"

"I can't, Oli got back to me, I've got a job in Sheffield waiting for me"

"I'm gonna miss you Crim, I really am"

"I'm gonna miss you too Lex"

"Wait here, I'll just be a second" Alex whispered and walked back to his bunk, returning a minute later with a box in his hands. A big box.

He passed it to me and I opened it slowly finding a navy blue acoustic inside which had stars going all the way up the front.

"Turn it over" he said

I did as he said and found the lyrics to Somewhere In Neverland on the back in white. On the sides were little pictures of Peter Pan and Wendy flying to Neverland on one, and the words The second star to the right, and straight on till morning on the other. It was the most beautiful guitar I have ever seen.

"It's beautiful Alex, but how did you manage to get it made in time?"

"I got you it for Christmas, but I think it would be better for you to have it now"

"Alex, I don't know if I can do this, I'm gonna miss you guys too much" I choked

"Hey, no tears remember? Besides, you have an awesome job waiting for you, we'll miss you too, but I can't stop you from living your life"

"Well, we still have tomorrow. I'm still coming to the show."

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

I smiled and laid down drifting to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and took Alex's phone from the table. I decided to make a vlog to tell the Hustlers what had happened.

"Well guys, I'm using Alex's phone to let you know that I've been fired. The magic of YouTube. So I'm not going to be around anymore. In fact, I'm moving back to Sheffield. I want to thank you guys though, you welcomed me into the family like I'd been here all along. Coz that's what you are, a family. So thank you, for everything. I'm gonna miss you all so much, and I will never forget these past few months. I've never felt more accepted, and you should know that you all mean the world to me. The fact that some of you asked for my autograph, or for a picture with me is insane. I mean, I'm just a sound engineer, I'm not actually in the band. So yeah, that's crazy. I also have every single gift in my bunk, and they're coming home with me.

But, I'm already employed again, I'm going to be helping out Hannah Snowdon. Her work is fab so I'll enjoy it.

I love you guys."

I'd started crying quite near to the beginning. My face was all warm and sore from the tears.

"Wend?" Alex whisper called

"I'm here Lex, I'm just getting a drink"

So I grabbed a glass of water and walked back to the lounge.

"Have you been crying, Red?

"I went on YouTube, thought I'd tell your fans what's gone on"


I pulled the blanket up and put my headphones on.

Hello there,

The angel from my nightmare.

No thanks, I Miss You probably isn't the most appropriate song right now.

Say goodbye to the halls and the classes


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