At The Bar Drinking Way Too Much,

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"So Red, what's the game plan for today?"

"I have no idea Hannah, but since no clients want me I thought I'd go shopping, check out some of the local stores"

"Sounds good, you taking anybody with you?"

"I don't think so, unless anybody wants to come with me"

"I think everyone's busy to be honest, anyway, I gotta go, but I'll see you later"

Hannah walked away and I stepped out of the front door. Oli said I could borrow his car today so I took full advantage and hopped in. I drove to a mall-kinda thing and roamed around. I was on a christmas mission.

After three hours of intense shopping I managed to scrape together everybody's presents. I am a master.

For Oli I got a Nirvana shirt, a Linkin Park shirt and a Slipknot shirt.

For Lee I got a new guitar strap and a load of customised picks that have Batman in a beanie on them.

For Vegan I got some new skinny jeans and a Bring Me shirt, as a joke.

I got Nicholls some new gauges for his ears and a Rotherham United shirt.

I got Jordan some really stereotypical Christmas stuff, because I've never met the man.

Hannah had some little dolls and models to draw on.

But somebody was missing, I missed somebody out. It wasn't the All Time Low guys, I had their presents under my bed.

It was Josh.

I didn't get Josh anything. But I wouldn't have known what to get him anyway. I haven't seen him in about three years. He could have changed so much.

I was hoping not to see him anyway, I'd much rather the phone call. But I was bound to run into him. Oli would tell him I was back, or he'd see one of my tweets or keeks. Or even the vlog I made.


Speak of the devil.

C: Hi Josh

J: Hey Crimson, look, I know it sounds a little weird, but I think we should meet up

C: Erm, okay. I guess, where you want to meet?

J: Starbucks at Meadowhall? I'm already there so it makes sense.

C: Yeah, I'll be there in like, twenty minutes.


I drove back to Oli's place as quick as I could and dropped the bags off, then I got back in the car and made my way to Meadowhall. When I got into Starbucks I saw that Josh was already there.


He turned and smiled at me, waving me over.

"Hey Crimson, it's been a while"

"Sure has, I have been in the US though"

"Oh yeah, Alex told me"

"Wait, you mean Alex, as in Gaskarth?"


"How do you two know each other?"

"Through Vic"

"Oh" I exhaled.

"Ya know Red, I did buy you a drink" he pointed out.

I looked at the coffee in front of me and realised it had my name on the cup.

"You remembered" I said, pointing to the salted caramel coffee.

"How could I forget, you were hooked on the stuff"

"Hey, it's not my fault they put two of my favourite things together." I said with a wink.

Most of the next hour passed like that, mindless chat and laughs. It was nice seeing Josh again. Neither of us held the grudge that we did at first after the split, and I prefered it this way. Josh was a great guy, and we went through a lot together, so we knew each other better than anybody else knew us.

"Crimson, I think we should visit her grave soon"


A/N sorry for the short update, but the next chapter is going to be really long. It's one of my favourites so far, and I am really happy with it. It has more Josh, and it shows some more of Crimson's back story and it has a lot more Hannah.


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