Wait For Me

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A/n - Sorry it's been a while and this isn't that good. This was also asked for by @yaoi_lover37 . Sorry I took so long.

Alistair and Pregnant Reader

Fingers entwined. The sweet sound of silence paired with a long embrace.

Please come back soon, my dear.

The coupled watched as the baby kicked within the womb, sighing in content as it would happen. She would look up to her husband and joke about the child turning out like him.

You've been gone for 5 months now.

He was the king and she was his queen, awaiting the day of that their heir would playfully run along the royal halls. They couldn't wait. Who could wait nine months? They wouldn't have to wait much longer.

Your son needs you.

"King Alistair, you are needed in Amaranthine," One of his staff reminded the king. She didn't remember that staff's name, but she knew he was the one who planned her husband's days.

What happened in Amaranthine that's keeping you gone for so long?

King Alistair had once been a Grey Warden who had fought alongside the Warden. You and Alistair met that way as you both fought to stop the fifth blight along with many others who joined the fight. But what was supposed to end with the ultimate sacrifice ended with the Warden and Morrigan conceiving a child. A child with a soul of the old god.

I wait for your return.

The Warden found himself in Amaranthine as the Warden Commander in means to rebuild the order and King Alistair was to help. Not help for long though but long enough that the queen conceived without the King by her side.

"Your majesty, the King has returned!"

The heir, named Duncan in honour of someone Alistair once knew, looked similar to that of the King except with (e/c) eyes. The queen couldn't wait to introduce the king to his son. And now the time has come.

"Where's (Y/n)?" Alistair asked his servants, desperate to find whereabouts his wife was within the castle.

"I'm here," (Y/n) called from behind the servants, holding Duncan within her arms.

"We've been waiting for you,".

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