Copy Cat

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 "You better love me cause you're just a clone"

Isabela and Elven Female Reader

"What have you done?!" Hawke yelled as he fought off mercenaries that surrounded him and his fellow companions. "You better have some good excuse as to why you've become a target for the mercenaries Isabela!"

"Oh honey, if this were my doing, I'd have been a lot more discreet about it," Isabela huffed, yanking out her dagger from the throat of a mercenary. 

"If it wasn't you, then who?" Hawke pondered, finishing off the last few enemies with a final blow. "Because so far, all of this screams your name,".

"As much as I dislike what I am about to say, Isabela is right. This doesn't seem like her work," Aveline grumbled, sheathing her weapon. 

"See! It's obviously -" An arrow whizzed by Isabela's face before she could finish her sentence, embedding itself into the wooden post nearby her. Isabela stood frozen for a few seconds before scanning the area for the shooter but she saw no one.

"Are you alright?" Hawke asked, making his way towards the arrow. "Wait. Is this a note?"

Isabela instantly jumped at the sound of a note, running towards Hawke. She peered over his broad shoulders down at the note.

Meet me at the Hanged Man at noon 

"Well... at least it isn't a cryptic puzzle," Hawke commented, before turning back to Isabela. "Shall we prepare for noon?"

Eventually, noon arrived and the group found themselves walking into the Hanged Man. Isabela walked in first, scanning the area until she saw a new figure sitting around the bar, downing down a drink. 

The figure from behind looked feminine, but strong. Their (h/c) sat neatly in a high ponytail in a way that allowed their pointy ears to be seen. They looked relaxed and that helped ease Isabela's anxiety as she approached the stranger.

The stranger finished downing the drink, slamming down the empty mug onto the bar table before turning around to face Isabela. Isabela froze as her eyes made contact with the strangers big (e/c) ones.

"I don't know if you remember me, but I definitely remember you," the stranger smiled as she slid off the stool. "You saved me a while ago from slave traders. I was one of many being transported by ship to Tevinter,".

"So you impersonated me in attempts to grab my attention?" Isabela questioned. The stranger grinned, nodding her head in response. 

"They needed to be taken down anyways. They recently became involved with slave trading and what better way to get rid of them then by leading them straight to the Champion of Kirkwall!" She gloated. "Thanks for getting rid of them by the way!"

Hawke chuckled behind Isabela before making his way around to the bar and ordering a drink.

"I'll give you guys some time," he smiled as the bartender poured him and his other companions a drink.

"You still haven't told me your name yet, kitten," Isabela sighed, involuntarily smiling at the stranger in front of her. 

"Oh, yeah, that might help," The stranger babbled, "Call me (Y/n)! Ever since the day you saved me, I've looked up to you so much!"

"You do?" Hawke chimed in, choking on his drink in the meantime. "You do know who you're talking about, right?!"

"Well, yeah?" (Y/n) shrugged, a puzzled looked etched on her face. "If I didn't, impersonating her wouldn't have been so easy,"

"Looks like you've got yourself a copy cat there Isabela," Hawke smiled, turning back to his drink.

"I guess I do," Isabela mumbled, pulling the girl towards the bar and ordering the both of them a drink. "My little Copy Cat,".

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