I need you

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A/n - @TYBG48 I know I can say how sorry I am for how late this is, but thank you for the request. I really hope you enjoy this. Again, I'm sorry.

Regret. Morrigan knew that word all too well. Maybe with all that has happened and that is still happening, Morrigan felt as though this was punishment for all she had done. It hurt, but not as much as much as the day you left.

She can still remember the day her and the Warden had first encountered you.

The Warden had arrived to sign a treaty with your clan to help with the blight but arrived too late. The Blight had already sent some of its own to your clan.

You stood in the front lines, helping as many as you could as you and the clan fought the blight off. You were covered in cuts and bruises as you fought, trying to save as many of the clan as you could. But you couldn't save them all.

Even with the help of the Warden and his companions, many of your clan lay dead around you. But they weren't just those in your clan. They were friends and family. A huge loss to the clan.

As the living mourned their loss, Y/n swore allegiance to the Warden on one condition. The clan needed to be somewhere safe when the Blight hit Denerim. It didn't matter if it meant you would be in the front line of the final blight, your clan meant everything.

And so, the clan stayed in the Arl's castle to begin with while you travelled with the Warden. A new adventure had begun, and you weren't ready for all that was to come. But even still, you endured it all.

You had first started talking to Morrigan at the campsite, offering to train and learn magic from each other. She would learn the magic of a keeper and you would learn Morrigan's transformation magic. A perfect exchange in your mind.

With each night of training, you and Morrigan grew closer. She enjoyed your company and you enjoyed hers.

"As a keeper, I am connected to all of the clan," you started, pulling Morrigans left hand into the both of yours, holding her palm up to the sky. "Close your eyes and take deep breaths,". Morrigan followed your instructions, closing her eyes and breathing in deeply. "Now focus on me and my clan. Listen for their calls,"

In that moment, Morrigan heard it all. The worries, thoughts and fears of the clan. She could feel their emotions and presence, but when she opened her eyes, you were gone. Yet, she could still feel you. She tried to focus on just you.

And with that, she heard it all; Your worries, your thoughts, but most importantly, she heard your feelings. Especially your feelings for her. They were loud, strong and clear. Suddenly, the sound of something moving behind her pulled her out of your thoughts and back to reality.

"You are amazing," you sighed in content. Within that small time, Morrigan had not realised that you were both connected. She had listened to your thoughts and worries as you had listened to hers. "And now, you know," you smiled, pulling Morrigan into your arms, bringing her into a passionate kiss.

But that was the past.

After the blight ended, you begged Morrigan to come with you. You beg her to be with you, to be with you and your clan as you couldn't abandon your clan. But you sure as hell didn't want to lose Morrigan.

But she never did. Morrigan disappeared after the Blight and you figured out why, returning to your clan alone.

Your clan had travelled around Thedas throughout the years. No one could find the clan and now, with the rise of Corytheus, Morrigan needed you now more than ever. Where in Thedas were you?

Morrigan stood upon the quiet side of the wall in Skyhold, feeling the wind blow against her skin. She closed her eyes, just like you had taught her. She took in deep breaths and focused. She focused on you, trying to find you.

And she did.

She felt all you were feeling and all that you had felt. You were sad and she could feel that. And amongst the sadness, she felt your feelings. You still love her, after all that had happened. You still love her.

Morrigan and her son left the Inquisition for a few days after that, she knew she had to go to you. The Inquisition needed you, your skills and your clan. She needed you.

After days of travelling, she had found you. You were healing the injured when she approached you.

"I knew you were coming, Da'len," You frowned as you continued healing the injured, keeping your back to Morrigan and her son.

"Then you know why I am here," She stated, taking another step closer. "The Inquisition needs you,"

You stood up, finally facing Morrigan. You stepped closer to Morrigan. "Just the Inquisition?" You toyed, grabbing a hold of Morrigan's hands in yours. She could already tell you knew about hers and your son. You would have found out when she searched for you.

"I need you..." She mumbled, looking down for a few moments before looking back up into your eyes. "I need you, Y/n,".

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