Come Back To Me

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A request from @NightmareCreepy_1804 . Thank you so much for this request!! Hope you enjoy!

Soris and Elven Reader

"I was about to marry her,"

"What stopped you?"

"Fate? Someone had to pay for the murder of Lord Vaughan. She became a Grey Warden,"

Soris sighed as he left his bed. The Alienage seemed emptier and dead as the days passed by. The 'sick' elves were being taken for 'treatment' but they never return. We all knew what was happening, but what could we do about it?

Shianni looked different today. She looked... hopeful? Had I missed something?

"Soris!" Shianni beamed as she beckoned me over. "Today is going to be a good day!"

"I don't know how it could be," I sighed, watching the crowd of elves that surrounded the hospice. One elf walked up to the front, coming face to face with the men guarding the entrance.

She wore decent armour with a set of dagger sheathed on her back, covering the majority of her armour. Her hair was h/c and long, as though she hasn't had the time to cut it. Her elven ears stuck out from in between her hair but I doubted that she was an elf from the alienage. That was until she turned around.

Just as she was about to walk in, she turned to look in our direction. Her e/c found mine immediately and she flashed me a quick, sad smile before walking in behind the guards. 

"Y/n?" I gasped, quickly looking towards Shianni. She grinned at me, nodding her head in response.

"Yes Soris. Y/n's home. And again, we will be in her debt," Shianni smiled, walking towards a building wall and leaning down besides it. She patted the wall space next to me. "This might take a while,"

Finally, after a day, many of the elves had returned. As did Y/n.

She was talking to Shianni when Shianni must have mentioned that I was behind her. Y/n quickly turned around and I finally got a better look at the woman she had become. 

Her hair was longer than the short length hair she had before the Wardens took her away. She also looked more toned than before, probably due to fighting so many darkspawn. But the saddest parts that had changed was her smile and the amount of scars that covered her skin. Her smile is no longer as bright as it was the day we were to get married. 

She leapt into my arms before I could fully process that this was real, causing us to both topple over. She buried her head into my chest and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her tighter. 

After a while, she looked up into my eyes. 

"I'm sorry I can't stay yet. You're all still in danger," She frowned.

"I understand," I smiled sadly, moving a strand of hair away from her face. "Just promise that you will come back to me when it's over. Please,".

And instead of a reply, she pulled me into a kiss. 

"So you got to see her again?"


"Did you marry her?"

"Not yet. Fate shall decide whether we meet again and when we do, maybe then we can be together"

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