Before You Go

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Female Hawke and Reader

Picture is sourced from go-ma on DeviantArt

"Hawke, this is my friend and sword-for-hire, Y/n," Varric introduced, before turning himself back to me. "Y/n, this is the woman I was talking about. This is Hawke,"

"Ah nice to know that I am a good conversation topic," Hawke smiled. She held out her hand for me to shake, a smirk suddenly appearing on her face. "How much is it for one night?". I took her hand tightly, looking into her bright blue eyes before responding.

"For you, Darling, it's free,"

It had been a year since we had left the Deep Roads and I found myself getting closer to Hawke with every day. She even helped with tasked assigned to my men and I, even when it almost cost us all our lives.

"Are you sure this is the right place, Anton?" I asked my left-hand, cautiously approaching the cave. 

"I'm sure of it, Boss," He responded and watched as we walked into an ambush. 

4 of my men died in the ambush. An ambush which had actually been set and planned by my left hand. There was no reward; no actual job. There was just death and betrayal.

"Why?!" I yelled as he knelled, bloodied and bruised in a pool of his and my men's blood. "You were a brother to me! They considered you as a brother and look where that got them! How could you do this to me - to us?!"

"Please... spare me. Have mercy," He stuttered, trembling in fear. His eyes never met mine the entire time.

"Just like you gave them mercy?! They loved you, Anton!" I frowned, choking back tears before slicing my sword across his throat. 

"Collect the bodies for burial!" I commanded before running out of the building. I had made it a few metres away from the building when Hawke gently grabbed my wrist within her small, yet calloused, hands. She yanked me into her arms, pulling me into a tight embrace as I gave in. 

Later that night, after having stood in her embrace for probably an hour, she stayed with me through the funerals. Our tradition involved drinking so no one could hide their real emotions as we mourned the dead. The dead deserve our honesty as we send them away. 

"Thank you for staying with me during this time," I mumbled to Hawke who was currently resting her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer towards me. "...You make everything alright,"

She looked up at me and I looked down at her, brushing her hair out of her eyes. 

"Can I?" I whispered, placing a hand on her cheek. She didn't respond straight away, but answered by pulling me into a kiss. 

I can safely tell you that we didn't sleep that night.

"Before you go, can I have another kiss?" I pouted at her. She giggled before standing on her toes and pulling me down for a kiss. After that, I turned to the Inquisitor who looked at anything but us. "Promise me you'll bring her back safe?"

"I promise," The Inquisitor responded. They left to go into another battle while I was left to help Josephine with taking care of Skyhold. I spent days waiting. 

"Inquisitor... Where is Hawke?" I asked, feeling my chest tighten. The Inquisitor looked into my eyes before turning her head, sadness filling her eyes. The tightness in my chest increased. "WHERE IS HAWKE?!"

Before I could process what I was doing, I had stormed over to the Inquisitor and pulled her up in the air by her collar. "Where is she?!"

Within seconds, I felt Cullen's arms wrapping themselves under my armpits, locking his arms around my arms before yanking me away from the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor's men stood in front of her, barricading her out of reach from me. 

"You promised!" I cried. The tightness in my chest started to feel suffocating and I collapsed onto my knees in front of everyone. Varric rushed to me with red, puffy eyes and buried my head in his chest as I cried.

After a day, Varric filled me in on what had happened. 

I stood on the wall of Skyhold, staring up at the huge tear in the sky known as the breach or in my case. 

"Why did you go?" I mumbled. "Why did you go... without me?"

"When you hurt under the surface

Like troubled water running cold

Well, time can heal, but this won't

So, before you go

Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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