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Layla was watching a movie on her phone when she felt someone watching her. She turned back and she saw Lelah leaning on the doorpost watching her like a predator. She turned back and she continued the movie.
"If you like act like you didn't see me, that's an issue between you and your dumb brain. Abu said I should tell you that today is your Zance and you're to meet at that restaurant near his house. The driver will drop you off and don't act like a fool" She turned and she walked out.

No one talked about her upcoming marriage since it was announced to her two weeks ago. She thought maybe God had changed his mind and He found out Laleh was the perfect person. Deep down she knew it wasn't possible.

Layla ransacked her whole wardrobe for a suitable dress before she finally settled on a silk blue kimono and denim jeans. She transferred her things into a Chanel bag. She kept her power bank inside too. She applied a little powder to give life to her pale face.

She rushed downstairs when she heard her father shouted her name. She sat down in the car and she took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. She muttered a dua in her mind as the driver took off.

Arriving at the classy restaurant, her heart thumped against her ribcage. She was scared of meeting him. The driver drove off leaving her there. She mustered courage and she walked in.
A waitress rushed to her and she introduced herself. The waiter took her to a table towards the end and she sat down.

Nur el-Rufai P.O.V

After spending up to three hours finalizing a deal, he dragged his tired self to his car and he sent a quick text to his best friend to meet him at Something Special, a restaurant not too far from his house, his favorite.

He logged into to his WhatsApp and he switched on his mobile data. Messages started coming in as his phone chimed with notifications.
He clicked on a particular chat and he smiled when he saw that she was online.

Nur: you couldn't even ask of your Habibi

Jasmine💖💖: awww sorry boo. How was your meeting. Hope it was fine and not stressful.

Nur: not at all, all I could think of was a certain lady with fair skin and red lips.

Jasmine💖💖: you won't stop teasing me right?😹😹

Nur: you know I'm saying the truth. I really Love you and I wished you were mine.

Jasmine💖💖: I'm yours, deep down you know it. I can't face my father. That man is a living demon.

Nur: will you be around by evening, we should meet at Dika's Choice.

Jasmine💖💖: yes. I've missed your lips on mine or me beneath you🙈🙈😉😉

Nur: my baby is getting nasty right?😋😋

Jasmine💖💖: Stop distracting my brain. You know I hate being distracted. TTYL

Nur: OK baby. You know I love you right. Take care for me.

He made sure to clear the chat and switched off his mobile data as his driver pulled up at Something Special. He came out and he walked to his usual table. He was looking around when his eyes caught sight of a girl sitting near the window.

She had a cute pout on her face and she was engrossed in her phone, He couldn't take his eyes off her. He admits she's a beauty but not as beautiful as his Jasmine, his fair skinned beauty.

Hussain Harun walks into the restaurant with a powerful dark aura surrounding him. He caught sight of his friend at their usual table.

"How far, guy?" Hussain took his seat opposite his friend. He ran a hand through his hair and he groaned.

"I'm fed up with Jameelah, wallahi. If not for Hajiya Zamani, I would have called off the engagement. That girl is a wastrel. Can you imagine her nerve asking me for a billion naira to organize a bridal shower? Marriage that's we are not even sure that it will hold" Hussain rants out.

"A billion naira for ordinary bridal shower?" Nur's jaw dropped in shock.

Hussain shakes his head in self sympathy. They both went silent with different thought running through their minds.

Hussain wished he could face his paternal grandmother who raised him when his mother died and his father's other wives refused to take him in. He couldn't even say no to the woman. When she expressed her wish for him to marry Jameelah, he just accepted.

Nur wished he could face Jasmine's father and tell him, he wished to marry his daughter. Maybe his father wouldn't have paired him with uncle Aman's introverted daughter. Then they won't have to meet in secret far way from home. He would be able to show her to the world as his.


I'm an Angel, I know that😁😁

I updated 😋😋😋

This chapter is dedicated to my friend orex366😉😉😉 I love you and you know it.

Update is going to be normal now.

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Most of you stopped commenting or voting, its really discouraging because I want to know your thoughts about the book 😪😪😢😢

Its heartbreaking because all I see is reads, no comment, no vote😭😭😭

Pleeks comment what you feel or what you think here in the comment section😪😪

AN: my love, TheOmoope just started a new book, the title is Misfortunate😁😁😁

Book is on fireeee

See y'all soon


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