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This chapter is dedicated to Emewata

Thanks for being such an amazing soul💜💜💜

Nur was typing on his system when his phone rang, he looked at the caller and it was Layla. He wonder what could be wrong for her to call him. He picked and he didn't say a word.

"Assalamulaikum Nur, I want to go out to get fresh air"

He was silent and she took that as a No and she ended the call.  He shrugged and he returned to what he was doing.

Hussain watched his friend shout at every little thing or get angry at any slight mistake, he didn't need a soothsayer to tell him something is wrong.

Every effort to get him to talk was futile and he decided to let him be. He concluded that it must be his marriage that was going through a tough phase. He prayed to Allah to make it easy on him.

After work was over, he waited in the car for him to finish packing and when he saw him coming out of the building, he came down from his own car. He walked towards him he said the salaam.

Nur groaned internally when he saw the made up look on Hussain's face and he knew to get him to back away from his case would be hard. An Idea popped in his head and he mentally smirked.

He didn't reply the salaam and he opened his car door instead, he tried to enter when Hussain blocked his path. Hussain is never the one to get angry and when he did, he would be like an angry bull.

"Hussain, shift away from my car" he gritted his teeth in anger and Hussain looked at him as if he had extra heads.

"Nur, I just want to talk. Something's eating you up and I want to help"

"I don't remember asking for your help and If I needed help, there are thousands of therapist here in Abuja. So if you'd excuse me, I have a home to go to"

With that he entered his car and he drove out of the parking lot with Hussain standing there with his mouth wide opened in surprise.

Nur changed his mind about heading home and he decided to go to his usual spot. When his phone rang and a call from Jameelah came in, he decided to go to their meeting point.


Hussain picked what's left of his pride and he drove home. His mind kept on going to the irritated look on Nur's face.  He had no idea who this new person was and what he has done to his best friend.

Instead of going home, he drove to his grandmother's place.  He was beyond hurt and he needed someone to talk him back to his senses.

He ease his car into the large compound and he came down, he was attacked in a bear hug by his adopted sister, Raina.

"Hamma Hussein" he picked her up and he patted her Hijab covered head. He carried her on his shoulder and he entered the main building.

"Assalamualikum Hajiya"

"Hussain, kun yanke shawarar rashin ziyartar wannan tsohuwar?  har sai da na mutu kafin ku yanzu buɗe bakinku ku yi kuka.  Allah Ya sani zan tashi in kashe wancan bakin naku"

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