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Without a choice, Layla has been sent back to her husband's house and Laleh promised to get her out of there soon. When Laleh said that, Layla was beyond shocked because her twin never hesitates to make her feel bad.


"Look Layla, if they want to send you back because of what the society thinks, I promise you that before one month, i will get you out of there for life." Laleh whispered comfortingly and Layla shook her head. She willed for the tears to stop but it was as if they had a mind of their own.

"Layla, take my bracelet and when you see it daily, you will be reminded that I made a promise that i promise to keep. I know I might not be your favorite person, i just want the best for you" Laleh pleaded and Layla took the bracelet.


The driver drove into the house and Layla felt something was wrong somewhere. She walked into the house and she met Nur at home.
She was shocked, Nur being home on a Monday afternoon.

"Assalamualaikum" she greeted before limping towards her room holding the packet of the new released iPhone in her hand, Baba had given her as a consolation prize. She didn't want to stay too long with him. She wanted to be in the solace of her room and explore her new phone.

"Walaikumsalam" Nur rushed to her side, she wanted to push him away but she knows that he's capable of doing. So she just let him be while she continued the journey to her room.

They walked in silence to her room and when they passed his room, tears welled up in her eyes. Her last experience in there won't be forgotten for life, part of her gelt better because her twin has made a promise to get her out of there. She looked at the bracelet fastened around her wrist, it didn't look good as it does on Laleh but she doesn't care since it's serving another purpose.

She opened the door to her room and the whole place was empty, she turned to look at him and he was scratching his head. She turned to look at the room again to make sure she isn't hallucinating but it's true. The whole place was empty and no sign of any of her things.

"Errrmmm... I'm taking a new wife so that's why we moved your things to the guest room since she wants your own room" He said and Layla felt worthless over again. Here's the same man her parents wants her to stay married too and he's taking another wife.

She walked away from her old room calmly and she walked into the guest room. She wanted to cry at the sight of how her things were placed, they weren't arranged at all and the whole place was reeking of dust. She looked around not even knowing where to start arranging from.


Layla wanted to laugh really hard after she saw Laleh's post on twitter. She posted a picture of Nur and Jameelah that she got from God knows where and she captioned it 'congrats to the one who stole his friend's fiancee. May Allah bless the coming union'

One northern gossip blog made another detailed post of when their affair started and how it all ended in marriage. She wondered how those blogs got their stories and how it's always accurate.

Arewa Twitter has been on fire since then and people won't stop dragging Nur left and right. She wanted to leave her room but the fear of bumping into Nur made her stay inside her room. He might take out the anger of Lelah's post on her.

Since she came back last week, she hardly saw Nur again. He's always busy preparing for the wedding and with the way he was throwing himself into the preparations, Layla could tell Jameelah was the one in his heart.

Layla had stalked the Jameelah on Instagram and Twitter and she knew she didn't hold a candle next to the lady's beauty. Beauty without manners.

Someone knocked her door once before barging in, she looked up abruptly and it was Nur. She noticed he was super angry and she prayed not to get hit again.

"Can you give me your sister's number? Anyone that's going because all the ones I got isn't going through" He asked and Layla wanted to laugh at his face.

"Laleh only has one number and if it's not going through that means she probably turned her phone off or she blocked you. Why are you asking for her number though, is there any problem?" Layla asked innocently and Nur shook his head.

"Can you help me call her on your own phone? Maybe she will pick up yours" he asked again and Layla shook her head.

"Lelah keeps grudges a lot and she blocked me too. We aren't even on talking terms" She told him and she took a deep breath before turning to walk out of the room.

When he got to the door, he turned back to look at her. "I will send the driver to you, Amna wants to see you. Maybe this evening or tomorrow morning" with that he walked out of the room.

I'm so sorry for going MIA 😭😭

I had a lot of personal issues and I wanted to get back to being myself 😩😩😩

Please tell your friends about my book 😩😩😩😩

Hera 🥀

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