☘Fourteen ☘

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Good morning❤
Sorry doesn't even cut but anyways I'm still apologizing for going MIA for all these days 😫😫😫😫


Nur felt as if a bucket of water was poured on him, he didn't expect him to take it this far to the extent of resigning.

He was hundred percent sure that Hussein wouldn't last long without the company's backing and he will come back begging. The thought alone gave him satisfaction.

He no longer had appetite to continue the dinner so he excused himself that he wanted to call Hussein and find out what happened.

He sat on his bed and he couldn't stop thinking about Hussein's decision. The Hussein he knows won't give up that easily.

The door opened and it was closed softly, he knew who it was before he raised his head. It was Layla.

"Am we going to share a room?" She asked in a low voice that he had to strain his ear to hear her.

Jameelah was going to stop by before going back home and he doesn't want a messy situation involving both of them.

"No, you're going to share a room with Amna, I have some private things I want to do here"

He saw the hurt in her eyes but he ignored it and she turned and went out of the room. He fell flat on the bed and his mind kept on going back to Hussein.

The door opened again and he wanted to shout at the intruder but when he heard the click of lock, he knew who it was.

Jameelah laid beside him and she wrapped her hands around him. He pulled her closer and he kissed her temple.

She kept on checking her phone every minute and she groaned softly. Nur rubbed her hand.

"Hussein hasn't been picking my calls and he hasn't send my weekly allowance too"

Reality hit him hard and he realized Jameelah was just a greedy scheming whore with dirty tactics to survive.
He felt repelled by her as disgust washed over him. He felt irritated with himself for getting involved with such a person.

"If you will excuse me, I want to sleep. I have this raging headache and I wouldn't want it to extend till tomorrow morning. Say Hi to everyone for me and don't forget to shut the door after you"

She looked at him in surprise and we couldn't believe her ears. Nur was dismissing her.

"Are you really serious Nur?"

When he didn't reply, she walked out and she banged the door hard.


Layla sat on Amna's bed and she was deep in thoughts. Different questions ran through her mind but she has no one to answer them for her.

Laleh's words came back to her "no one's ever going to love you, Layla. Believe it or not, you have this kind of luck that generates hate from people"

Maybe Lelah is right and she has the 'hate me syndrome' if there's something like that.

She fell asleep in the position she sat and she woke up when someone entered the room.

It was Amna and she was crying hard with her scarf and skirt no where to be found. The shirt she wore had no buttons and her breast was peaking out.
She stood up and she went to meet her, Amna hugged her tight while she cried. She checked the clock on the wall and it was 12am.

She wondered where Amna could be coming from looking battered and as if someone forced their self in her.

She took her to the bathroom and she switched on the shower when Amna took off all her clothes.

"I feel dirty, Ya Layla. I feel worthless and unworthy of life. Walahi, I don't deserve everything being done to me. No one deserves it" Amna continued crying why Layla scrubbed her body for her

When they got out of the bathroom, Amna tied a robe around her body and she sat down on the bed near Layla.

"He has been doing this to me since I entered puberty. I grew up faster than my mates and I developed faster. It started with little touches and stares. Then he started forcing himself on me. Everyone knew but they didn't say a word. They let him ruin me" she burst into tears and Layla pulled her into another hug.

She started rubbing circles on her back and Amna's tears subdued.

"Who's the he, who's doing this to you?" Layla asked

"My stepfather, Nur's father"

She whispered but Layla heard her loud and clear.

All blood drained from her face

😫😫😫Don't kill me yet

So Nur's father is a pedophile😑😑

Please point out any errors you come across, this is the first draft😪😪

The second chapter will be up sooner than you expect😎😎

Don't forget to vote and comment😭😭😭

Comments help me get my writing mojo back 😑😑


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