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I'm sure everyone's pissed at me now😪😪😪
I'm pissed at myself😓😓
I'm sorry for ghosting y'all😫❤
I promise y'all a double update on Sunday😌😌
Thanks for 34k BTW❤❤❤
The love has been amazing

Layla picked up herself off the floor hours after Nur finally listened to her cries and let her go. She winced while she got up to go to the bathroom and when she passed the full length mirror and she burst into another fresh set of tears.

Nur had ruined her beyond imagination, a thick mark of his hand when he slapped her face for holding the belt adorned her left cheek and her fair skin had blood all over it.

Her arms had different mark of the belt on her hand and one of her fingers had blood from when the belt's buckle hit her fingers.

Walking to the bathroom was the hardest of all tasks as she walked at a snail pace while she thought of different way to run away. She has never been hit like this before and she felt like a worthless piece of shit.

When she successfully got into the shower and she switched on the shower. She nearly screamed at the way every injury hurt her, it felt like she applied pepper on everything. Hot tears rolled down her face as she wiped her injuries slowly.

When she finished dressing up, she ordered a ride straight to her parent's home and she prayed fervently that he doesn't come back before the uber gets here.

She released a breath she was holding as the uber app showed driver has arrived. She got in quickly wincing in pain as her body brushed the car seat. She sat down and the driver sped off while she prayed her parents support her just this once.

Layla has never felt relief as she did when the driver swerved into her Father's compound. He was standing outside with her mum and Layla while they stared at the car wondering who entered.

Laleh sneered when she saw Layla come down from.the car but it changed as soon as she saw her limping towards them.

Tears smart her eyes as Layla raised her head to show her bruised face, her mother gasped and her father looked shocked. Layla looked like she was thoroughly beaten.

"Did you get into a fight with someone or did some people attack you?" her mother rushed towards her and Layla winced when the woman touched her hand.

"Nur did this, Nur beat me like a baby" She whispered while tears continued to roll down her face. Her mother gasped in shock and she led her inside with her sister and father trailing behind her.

When she sat down on the couch in the sitting room, she removed her scarf to let her family have a good look of her face.

"Laleh, get me my phone let me call el-Rufai myself. I didn't marry my daughter to his son only for him to treat her like this" Her father thundered and Laleh rushed upstairs to get his phone.

Layla wanted to tell him that since he gave him a farm, then he has sold her to the devil but she bit down the words. He kept on pacing around in the sitting room, he only does that when he's super angry.

Layla showed her mother the remaining scars. It was like a thief who stole in Lagos market. Her mother cried at the fresh injuries on her fair skin and she called the house maid to get her hot water and a napkin.

Gently, she massaged the injuries while Layla screamed and Laleh soon came back with her dad's phone. He stepped outside to call her father in law and while he spoke in Hausa rapidly. He was beyond pissed.

When he stepped back inside, he said elrufai was going to come with Nur tomorrow and her mum should take her upstairs. Her mum called a private doctor and he prescribed pain relievers for her and he gave her some pain relief lotion. Layla cried herself to sleep and she prayed to Allah to give her strength to go through the decision she has made in her mind.

The next morning around 9am, ElRufai drove in to their compound with Nur and Laleh hissed as she saw them. Layla's heart was thumping fast as her father sent for her. They were all waiting for her in the mini sitting room. She made sure to.extra limp when she got there and she winced as she sat on the rug beside her mother's feet.

ElRufai shook his head in disappointment when he saw her face and her hands. Nur kept on looking down and Layla had a feeling that she wasn't going to like the outcome of this meeting.

"Nur, tell us why you will hit your wife like a thief. Have you ever seen me lay hands on your mother before?" His father asked in anger and he took of his cap.

"I'm very sorry Layla, I didn't intend to wallahi. It was the devil and seeing Amna on that bed triggered me. Someone at the accident scene told me that it was layla that pushed Amna to the coming vehicle but two other people has denied the story. I'm very sorry that I let my anger get the best of me, it won't happen again"

Layla felt betrayed when she saw her father's face relax and her mum smiling at him as if he didn't just hit her like a thief. She scoffed as her father reclined into his seat.

"Layla, you've heard your husband, he's very sorry and it won't repeat itself again" her father added and she rolled her eyes. Laleh hissed loudly from outside and layla chuckled.

"If he's sorry, that's his personal problem. I do not.want to continue.this marriage neither do.I have interest in it again. I want a divorce because I won't stay with a man who has never made me happy during the short duration of our marriage. Abu, I'm sorry if I disappoint you but I'm no longer interested" Layla watched in satisfaction as shocked course through all of them. They weren't expecting this at all.

Her father regained his voice first "Layla, what has come over you? He just apologized and you're proving stubborn, do you know there's a lot people that their husband hits without even apologizing?"

"Father, I'm not them and whatever they wish, they can do.with their lives. I'm not marrying a man who has degraded me to.the position of a slave, A man who hits me like a thief. I don't care what the society thinks" She insisted and everyone noticed that her mind is made up.

Elrufai asked them to give her a week break and she should have a rethink. That she's talking out of anger. They left after another apology and her father went out to see an old friend.

Her mother begged her to stay because the society will mock her for being a divorcee in a marriage that's not up to a year.

Laleh insists she must divorce him because if a man hits you once, he will hit you for the rest of  your marriage.

Team They should divorce (drop a love here)❤

Team They shouldn't (drop a star here) 💫

Well, Who else thinks Nur isn't sorry😓😓

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment❤❤❤❤


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