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Eid was in a three days and Layla has been extremely worried about Nur, he hasn't been picking his calls and he didn't come home too.

Different thoughts have been going on in her head and she was getting scared day by day.

She opened her phone and she clicked on the number he gave to her when they just got married, he said it belonged to his best friend. She called it and it rang for a while before he picked.

"Assalamualaikum, who am I speaking with please?"

"Waalaikumsalam, this is Layla, Nur's wife"

"How are you Layla and hope no problem?"

"I'm fine and there's actually a problem tho. Nur hasn't been home for a week or so and his phone isn't going through. I was wondering if you know where he is"

"Nur has been coming to work since Monday but I will let him know you're worried and he should pick your calls"

"Thank you"

She hangs up and Hussein walks towards Nur's office, he knocked and he entered. Nur didn't even acknowledge him and he took a deep breath to calm his raging nerves.

"Layla said you haven't been home in a week and she's worried about you"

"I'm an adult and I definitely can run my life anyhow I like it. If you wouldn't mind, I have something I'm doing"

Hussein walked out angrily with the intention of cutting every ties with Nur, He has endured his shit for too long.


The night before Eid

Nur came home the night before and he told Layla to pack for a week, that they were going to his parent's place to celebrate eid.

She did as she was told and the next day, in the afternoon they left.

Layla was shocked when Nur told her to move in with Amna because he wanted to stay alone and he needed his privacy. She couldn't say anything and she carried out his instructions immediately.

She was taking a nap when Nur came in. He woke her up aggressively.

"Who's going to cook for you Which maid did you bring here? I'm giving you five minutes to join them in the kitchen"

He walked out and Layla stood up, she wrapped her scarf around her head and she went to join the maids in the kitchen.

She served the food so Nur won't come and shout at her in front of the maids. She brought out the rice first and she went back inside to bring the plantain.

The door opened and another lady entered. Layla saw the way Nur's face lit up and the way his mum hugged her in excitement. Her heart sank in rejection, she has never been received like that all her life.

She was beautiful and the white she wore complemented her glowing skin. She had a nose piercing and a tiny silver stud complemented her nose.

She was ushered to the seat beside Nur's father and the way she smiled with him, they looked perfect together as a family.

"Jameelah, how's your father?"

"still grumpy as usual"

They both laughed out and she turned to smile at Nur's mother.

She walked back to get the stew and when she got closer to Jameelah, she lost her balance and she ended up spilling some of the stew on Jameelah's clothes.

She dropped the stew on the  table and she apologized profusely. She picked a napkin and attempted to clean some off when Jameelah screamed.

"You want to touch me with your filthy hands? Are you blind or are you dumb? Why on earth would you spill stew on me?"

"I said I'm..."

She didn't complete the statement before Jameelah slapped her hard across the face. She held her face and tears pooled in her eyes.

She looked at Nur for help but no one said anything while Jameelah continued to mumble about how expensive the cloth is.

"Jameelah, sorry about my wife. She's always clumsy"

Layla couldn't believe her ears, she was the one that got slapped and she didn't get an apology instead everyone pretended as if they didn't see her.

She walked back to the room and she stripped off her clothes and she walked into shower to cry. She cried for everything she has gone through.


They continued eating as if nothing happened and Nur started teasing his dad and they were all laughing.

"Hussein stopped by my office today, he has resigned and he handed over every company property that's in his possession. He even declined a farewell party. I wanted to pay him for leaving since he was a very good asset to us but he declined. I wish him well"

Nur's spoon dropped in shock. He hadn't expect Hussein to resign and not even say a damn word to him.

"Did you two have a fight?"

"No" Nur shook his head in.

He felt as if a bucket of cold water had been dumped on his head. He lost his appetite and he stood up.

Hello guys🖤🖤

I'm sorry for not updating since, I have exams breathing down on my neck and I'm going to be starting on Monday.

Thank you for the 32k reads on this book, I screamed when I saw it,  y'all have been so amazing to me.

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I typed this chapter early thus morning while reading and I will appreciate it if you can share to your friends.

• Till we meet again🖤🖤

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