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I know I promised a double update on Sunday but I forgot😫😫😫

This is me offering this chapter as a form of apology💕💕

Second chapter coming up later😝

Nur picked up his phone and he locked the door after him. Since Hussein's number isn't going, he decided to go and see his grandmother. He wasn't sure if he's going to get a warm welcome.

Driving into the compound, he sees Raina running around with her cat. He remembered when Hussein refused to let her get the cat and he begged for her. His worst fear was confirmed when Raina carried her cat and she walked to the back of house without even acknowledging him.

He wanted to run back but Hajiya Zamani herself stepped out in all her glory. While they were growing up, every child on their street feared Hajiya Zamani. She never feared to instill manners into anyone that showed lack of manners.

He squatted a bit and he greeted the older woman "Ina wuni, Hajiya". She looked at him briefly before shouting for Adamu. The security came running towards them and Nur stood up in embarrassment. He looked everywhere but Hajiya Zamani.

"Adamu, the next time this boy enters here, your job here is done. Innit?"

The man nodded and Nur took that as his cue to leave. He walked back to his car not.without hearing Hajiya Zamani call him a betrayer under her breath.

He drove out of the compound and he packed few meters away from their gate and his hand hovered on the dial button and he was trying to decide whether to dial Hussein or not.

In the end, he settled for messaging him on WhatsApp. He fired a quick Hi and it showed that Hussein had read the message, soon Hussein was typing but later he stopped and Nur decided to write an apology to him. After typing a three paragraph message, all Nur replied with was lol then he sent him a video.

When Nur downloaded the video, he wished the floor would open up and swallow him. It was a video from one Valentine he celebrated with Jameelah and they were cozy in the video with him stealing kisses from her.

He knew shit was about to go down when he messaged Hussein and the message didn't show maybe he read it or not. It just had a single tick. He tried to call him and he got the beeps meaning he had been blocked. He put his head on the steering in frustration, it looked like everything he had spent money on to be kept a secret is finally out.

With a heavy heart, he pulled out of Hajiya Zamani's street and he drove home, his heart fell when he remembered that even Layla is hell bent on divorcing him. He had messed up pretty bad.


His phone kept on ringing non stop and Nur decided he was going to give whoever thought it was sane to disturb his sleep with calls a piece of his mind. He checked the caller ID and it was jameelah. He wonder what could have happened that made Jameelah call him like her life depended on it.

"Hello jameelah, what's wrong?"

"Nur, we are doomed" her crying voice reaches his hear and his heart started beating fast. he wondered what could have happened but Jameelah kept on crying.

"My father found out about us now he's mad and he's coming over tomorrow"

Nur felt as if a bucket of cold water has just been emptied on him. His heart picked up a fast rhythm and sleep evaded his eyes.

Jameelah's father is known for just one thing ; TROUBLE

I had to stop it here 😝😝😝

There's nothing in this life that you do that doesn't have reward and Karma is a bitch😁😁😁

Real shit is about to go down and I can't wait to write about the amazing parts left😘😘

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