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I decided to update today and don't forget to check out my other books, you will love them😌💖💖💖

Biko don't forget to vote and comment😫😫 ejoor


Aleemah turned and tossed in bed, she didn't sleep a wink until after fajr when she prayed to Allah to give her the strength to go through this alone.

She had accepted everything that happened to her as fate. Allah knows best and he wouldn't put her through what she can't survive.

She was sharing her room with four other cousins. She hated her personal space being invaded. They didn't sleep early yesterday night, they were checking out hot italian guys and she couldn't sleep with so much noise.

When she was falling asleep, the second one pushed her off the bed when she was deep in sleep so she slept on the cold floor overnight. The one sleeping beside her was snoring loudly like a damaged engine.

She got up early as 5am and she prayed fajr. She cried to her creator to grant her peace in this marriage and strength to go through it.

She couldn't back out now that lefe has been brought to her family and the date is here already. The only thing she can ask for now is mercy and strength


She sat in the room in her husband's home quietly while her cousins haggled prices with the groom and his friends. They had been married earlier today and their photo session had been successful.

She took a look around the room and his choice of color was weird for a boy. Unlike her that preferred cool and dark colors, he appreciated flashy colors.

She was exhausted by the time the women left her room. All they insisted on was endure endure endure. Wasn't marriage suppose to be enjoyed not endure?

She took off the heavy material that she wore and she changed into her sponge Bob pajamas. She slept off as soon as her back touched the bed.

Nur came in to check on her and he smiled at her sleeping frame. She looked cute in the pajamas she wore and she curled around the bed.

He walked out after he was sure she was asleep comfortably.


The sun extended its rays over her face and she squinted. She didnt remember leaving the window blinds open. She sat up and she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

She looked around and everywhere looked different. She cleaned her eyes again to make sure she was seeing properly before Nur's deep chuckle startled her.

He had been watching her for some minutes now and the look on her face when she woke up was comical. He couldn't help the chuckle.

Then everything dawned on her that she had been married a day before. She lowered her gaze and she muttered an assalamualakum.

This time he laughed out loud. She was lost and she looked at him through her lashes.

"Freshen up and come downstairs, mama brought food" with that he turned and he left the room. She jumped down and she hurried to the bathroom.

She didn't want to make a bad impression on her husband. The word felt weird in her mouth. Her husband.


😫😫😫 awwwwwn
God when😪😪😪

This chapter is dedicated to Timilehin06 every votes and comment on all my books always warm my heart😫😫
Thanks for being such an amazing person

PS: who has watched Miracle in Cell No. 7😭😭😭 That movie made me cry

Don't forget to tell me what you think in the comment section

See you when you see me💖💖💖💖


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