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Jameelah's father walked in first with Jameelah trailing behind him. The way he shouted El-Rufai's name was thunderous and the occupants of the house trooped out almost immediately.

Nur could swear he has never seen Jameelah this decent before and his heart was beating loudly against his ribcage. He didn't go too near incase the man decided to slap him. The man's a psycho.

"Nur, what's this nonsense I've been seeing about you and Jameelah?" He asked loudly and Nur stepped back.

His mum and Dad turned to look at him and he was staring at everywhere except them. Jameelah kept her eyes fixed on the floor as if that's the most interesting thing.

"So you two have been sleeping around koh?" He fired again angrily and his mum gasped in shock.

"Nur, is this true?" She asked and Nur nodded. She muttered a subhanalllah and she sat down on the nearest couch and she started massaging her forehead. His father just shook his head Nur felt very bad.

"Was it before she got engaged to Hussein or after his engagement?" His father asked calmly. He was too calm and Nur feared what might happen soon.

"Before" Nur answered firmly and Jameelah's father shouted. Nur had to move back incase the man hit him or something.

"So you wanted to marry her and you didn't even tell me, if you had told me I would've allowed. The way I was disgraced today when Hussein told me he wanted the wedding off. When He showed me those pictures and Videos, walahi i wanted to die of shame" Jameelah's father lamented.

"The deed is done and no need crying over spilt milk. What will we do now?" His mum asked and everyone turned to look at her.

"I've made up my mind, Nur will marry Jameelah in a week's time and I've always said it that my daughter won't have any uwargida so i don't know how you want to do it, just get rid of your wife. She moved out recently koh? Let her remain outside"
Jameelah's father delivered the news and he walked out without waiting for their response with Jameelah running after him.

Nur didn't feel joy he had expect to be there at the thought that he was finally marrying who he wanted to marry. But who was he kidding? Jameelah isn't the kind of woman fit to raise his child.

"What are we going to do like this because this one Jameelah's father is talking about divorcing your wife and marrying only her?" His mom asked and this time his dad just hissed sharply.

"Whatever he likes, he should do, it's his mess not mine. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life trying to clean up after him" Nur's father replied coldly before walking out of the house.


El-Rufai checked his phone again for time and he wondered for real if Hussein will show up after promising he would.
He had called him to come and meet him at the company's parking lot.

He was about to give up before he saw Hussein's car drive into the parking lot and he parked beside him. He got down and got into the passenger seat of his car.

"Assalamualaikum Baba" Hussein greeted with a smile and El-Rufai felt embarrassed. This boy had taken him as his father and Nur as his brother only for Nur to ruin it all.
He was going to make everything right again.

"I know you plan on moving to Lagos and sadly there's nothing I can do about it. But here take, it will help you in the career aspect" El-Rufai replied handing him the brown envelope.

Hussein opened it and the content was an official recommendation letter from the company, he wanted to scream. He had been looking for a way to get this. The other page was addresses of five different company they had affiliates with the CEO's personal numbers.

Hussein thanked him profusely before getting out of the car and walking to his car.
Hussein drove out and he went back home.

El-Rufai sat in the car for a while before he drove back home. Nur was no where to be found and his wife must have gone to the hospital.

No words 😔😔

I'm sorry humans 🤲🏻♥️♥️

Voooottttteeee and commmeeennnntttt please ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Hera 💒💒

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