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Happy Eid to my Muslim family, we shall live to witness more of it insha Allah.


Nur was getting frustrated with Jameelah, everywhere he went to, he always see her there and now he and Layla were at a restaurant having dinner and he saw her sitting not too far away.

He was done with her for good, he thought about it the night before when Layla was fast asleep, What he had for her was just infatuation and now he's over it.

Layla stood up to go to the toilet and Jameelah sauntered towards his table with a mischievous smile on her face. Her perfume clouded his nose and he watched her with disdain.

She sat on the seat Layla previously occupied and she smiled at him. "Its good to see you again Nur"

"I can't say the same for me. How did you know where I am?"

"Well, your secretary filled me in, he couldn't resist my charm you know" she twirled her braids in her hand and she gave him a puppy eyes.

He made a mental note to sack him when he gets back.

"So what do you want now?" He asked impatiently. He was getting tired of seeing her face and he didn't want Layla to meet her here.

"Why don't we talk at my place tonight? I promise its just talking" She held out her address card and he saw Layla coming, he snatched the card and he told her that he was going to come at night. She walked back to her seat with a smile.


He dressed up after Layla slept off almost immediately they got back to their suite. She was tired from their site seeing and he was too but his mind kept on drifting back to Jameelah and what she had to say.

Something told him not to go but his curiosity got the best of him and he picked the card and he called a taxi and he went straight to her suite.

She was obviously expecting him and she hugged him and he sat down, she offered him wine but he decline and he opted for water instead.

She served him and he took a long gulp. She watched him with keen interest with a smile playing on her lips.

Everything started going blurry and the room was spinning. She was laughing hard and he held his head in his hands.

"Next time, you don't mess with Jameelah"


Nur was speechless when the pictures arrived on his desk, he had cut short their honeymoon when he woke up naked in Jameelah's suite and over 10 missed calls from Layla.

He felt really dirty and when he came back to their suite, she was asleep and he went to scrub himself clean.

He booked their flight back home immediately and when she tried to ask him where he went, he shunned her and she kept mute.

Things have been strained between them and she only replied to his questions with a stiff yes or no.

He tried to bury himself into work and now this. Jameelah had drugged him and taken different inappropriate pictures of him.

He dialed her number and he could feel her smiling from the other end.

He growled over the phone "what do you want Jameelah?"

"Not Jasmine again, I'm hurt Nur" she cooed

"I'm not playing games here"

"Me too. What I want is a ten million monthly salary and what's between us shouldn't end. If you won't agree to my terms, I'm leaking this photos to the world and we won't want that my dear"

He shut his eyes in frustration and he didn't know what to do anymore

👽The couple goals didn't last👽👽

What's wrong with Jameelah now😑😑

Nur has gotten himself into some deep shit😫😫

I'm updating about four chapters today, I want to exhaust my former draft so I can start writing new ones😫😫

For  Emewata

Bye babes💜💜💜

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