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Hello sugars,
I told myself this morning that I wasn't going to update till Friday but you guys were super amazing that I couldn't stop myself from typing another update. Here you go

It has been three days since the incident and Layla had opened her eyes. Everyone was giving her the silent treatment and she knew she was in deep shit.

For her father not to visit her since she opened her eyes. Her mother only came once to see her and she didn't say a word to her. Lelah's visit reduced too and she couldn't wait to get out of here.

The day she was discharged, the driver was here to pick her up and the doctor warned her against such attempts in the future and she might not be as lucky as she is this time.

She was given some anti depressant pills. She was told to come next week to start a therapy session.

She sat silently in the car and when she saw her house from afar, her heart sank. She thought that when that knife entered her, she was free from the shackles of the place she grew up but life has other plans.

She walked slowly to her room and she didn't acknowledge her father that sat in the sitting room watching news. She laid on her bed. She inhaled the lavender scent of her room, she had missed her little haven so much.

When it was time for dinner, she still stayed upstairs and her father's call came in "You want me to write an application letter before you come down to eat ko?" And he ended the call.

She wrapped her hair in a veil and she walked downstairs to eat the rice her mum had prepared. She forced herself to swallow few spoons and when it wasn't going anymore, she dropped the spoon and she stood up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Her father queried.

She rolled her eyes "to my room obviously"

"Look here young lady, if your mother isn't going to say a word for the atrocities you committed, I won't condole nonsense in my house. You taking your life because you want to get married is the height of it all. Don't I treat you right?" He eyed her

"I doubt if you know the meaning of right. If not you won't even use it where I'm concerned. you always treated me as if I wasn't Human. If I get another chance to kill myself, I wouldn't hesitate because I'd rather rot in hell than spend extra time with you" she spat angrily.  She walked off to her room and she locked the door after her.

She cried for herself, for the times she kept quite when she could have stood up to them. For the time she didn't want to sin against Allah by disrespecting her parents and for the time she let herself be pushed around.

It was 2am and Layla was hungry. she snuck downstairs to get something to eat and she didn't want to wake anyone. She was about to enter the kitchen when she started hearing voice and she waited to hear what they were saying.

"She's growing wings already and if we aren't fast enough, she will ruin everything for me. El-Rufai is paying hundred million naira alongside the farm. I won't allow a girl who thinks she's  already big enough to make her decisions soil my plan"  Her father whispered to the other person.

Tears gathered in her eyes and she felt like the ground should open and swallow her.  Her father was literal my selling her off. How would she live with a man she was sold to. She ran to her room and she banged the door after her.  She slept off while crying.

The next morning, a knock woke her up from sleep and she dragged herself to open the door. She saw that it was her mother and she greeted her. Her mother came in and sat down on the bed while she sat down on the floor opposite her.

"Layla, I want you to know that whatever way you're being treated, its a preparation for your future. No one would wish her own daughter bad. Everything you're facing here is to prepare you for your future. No one hates you and you are part of us.
I want you to accept whatever your father has chosen for you with fate and don't go against his wish because Allah would be angry with you if you do so" With that, her mother didn't wait for her response she just left.

Aleemah hissed lowly for the sleep disrupted and she went back to sleep. She needed her sleep.

She met a gold and white envelope on her dressing table when she woke up. Someone might have left it there when she was sleeping. She opened it and she was shocked to the bone marrows what she saw. It was an Invitation to her own wedding dinner.


Nur entered the dark hotel room. Jasmine had told  specifically told him it was room 302 and he didn't bother knocking when he entered.

His nose caught whiff of her perfume and he was relaxed that he was in the right room. He was hearing water sounds from the toilet. He discarded every clothing on his body and he went to join her in the bathroom. He has missed her so much.

Seems Nur ain't a saint too😣😣

Our girl is finally developing some balls and its nice😉😉😉

If you see an error or you have a suggestion, my DM is always open😁😁
I would be waiting for your feedbacks

Please, ejoor, biko please vote and comment. let me know what you think of it. the comments really helps to make my day.

See y'all when you see me.

Bye 🤞🏽🤞🏽💖💖💖💖💖

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