Chapter 19

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"Mommy! Daddy!" Suzi shouted jumping on the bed that contained Jin and Lyric. Jin popped up and smiled at the bundle of joy jumping on the bed. Lyric was wiping the sleepiness out her eyes. Jin and Suzi were staring at her. "Breakfast time!" They shouted.

Lyric laughed at the two. Jin kisses her before getting up with Suzi. "I'll race you!" Jin said to Suzi. The two rushed to the kitchen. Suzi bumped into Adrianna. "Oops, sorry." Suzi said looking up at her. Adrianna giggles and pet Suzi head before heading towards the bathroom.

The girls and boys now shared one big house. This helped Ph with money too.

Suzi followed Jin to the kitchen. "I beat you!" Jin said. "I would have beat you if I didn't bump into Adrianna." Suzi protested. Jin giggled. "Come on." He said helping her wash her hands.

"Okay, soldier we're going to make pancakes for everyone." She stood tall with her hand on her forehead and said. "Aye aye, captain!" Jin laughed. Jin let Suzi mixed the things that needed to be stirred. Taehyung and Jungkook came in. "Wow it smells good." Jungkook said.

"Right! Suzi cooked it all by herself." Tae said obviously messing with Jin. "No, I didn't." Suzi giggled. "Well, who helped you?" Tae asked. "아버지 (ah-bo-jee/father) helped." Suzi responded. "Where is he?" Tae said purposely looking over Jin.

"Since he can't see me, he won't get fed." Jin said to Suzi. "Oh Jin there you go. I was looking for you." Tae said hugging him. Suzi squealed with laughter. "Well, your done Sleeping beauty." Jin said smiling. "Yeah! High five." Taehyung said going towards Suzi with his hand up.

Suzi flinched so hard that she fell out the chair she was sitting on. She stared at Tae shock and started crying. The room was filling in now because everyone heard the loud thump. "What happened!?" Lyric said picking up Suzi. She sobbed in Lyric shoulder.

"I just wanted an high five." Taehyung said with a hint of sadness in his features. Alana went and grabbed his hand. "I think Suzi thought Tae was going to hit her." Jungkook piped up. Jin walked over to Suzi. "Why did you flinch baby girl?" He said petting her head.

"My real 아버지 used to hit me, whenever he was mad." Suzi said sniffling. "Even when I sat down playing with my toys he would hit me. He told me I was the reason my mother died, and that's why he hit me." Suzi said into Lyric shoulder. "Did he hit you a lot?" Jin asked. "Yes, I was in the hospital because he pushed me down some steps. That's how I broke my ribs." Suzi said. Derielle stepped out the room so no one saw her cry. Aiyu did as well so Derielle wouldn't cry alone. It was a horrible silence between everyone.

"I would never hit you Suzi." Tae said putting his hand on her back. Suzi looked up with red puffy eyes. She leaned into Tae arms and he picked her out of Lyric arms. Jin put his hand on Lyric shoulder. She turned towards him, put her head down and walked out the room. "Is mommy sad?" Suzi asked. "No mommy need help looking for something. We'll be back." Jin said kissing her nose. Suzi giggled.

Jin walked out the room following Lyric.

Suzi stomach growled. This made the people left in the room smile. "Let's eat." Adrianna said smiling.

Jin saw Lyric crying on Aiyu shoulder, while Derielle cried on the floor with her head in her knees.

"Is everyone okay?" Jin asked feeling regret as the sentence left led his mouth. Derielle set up drying her face. "I'm okay." She said getting up. She headed back towards the room. "I'll take care of her you can eat." Jin said to Aiyu. He turned Lyric into his embrace and Aiyu went to eat. He felt Lyric body shake horribly.

"I know. I know. We'll protect her now. I'll protect both of you."

Derielle came in the room and everyone was eating. She grabbed a plate and sat next to Yoongi. He passed her a napkin. "You still have tears in your eyes, and I rather your snot don't fall on me." Yoongi said so only she could hear. Derielle laughed. Yoongi looked at her shocked.

"What?" She asked. "That's the first time you actually smiled or laughed towards me. I expected you to blow your nose in the tissue and throw it at me." He said. "Why would you think that? You're the mean one." Derielle said. "Hey! I'm not mean." Yoongi protested. "Well when you said I couldn't sing, I felt like you were being mean." Derielle said. "That's not being mean. It's called having something to say. If I have something to say I'm going to say it, especially if it's the truth." He said shrugging.

"I can't be mad at you for that." Derielle said shrugging back. "No you can't." He said. After that they sit in a comfortable silence. Derielle didn't think he was that bad, maybe they would become friends. Lyric and Jin finally came back and they all ain't dinner as one.

"We should all stay in and watch a movie!" Taehyung said. "Can we watch Frozen?" Suzi continued. "I always wanted to watch, but I never really watch TV until I went to the hospital and the channels was terrible." Every looked at each other and shrugged. "Frozen it is." Tae said. "Yes!" Suzi said getting up doing the traffic dance.

"That's my girl!" Jin exclaimed getting up and joining her. Soon everyone was doing the traffic dance, or attempting to anyway. The whole gang set up the living room to watch Frozen. There were a whole bunch of blankets and pillows, plus bags of snacks. The movie was good everyone liked it. After the movie was over everyone watch Tae and Suzi acted out the beginning when Elsa was getting woken up by Anna.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Suzi said lifting up Tae eyelid. They played and everyone watch as Tae acted like he hit Suzi with snow and she fell out dramatically. The sight made everyone laugh.

"I love you all!" Suzi said.

"We love you too." They said in unison.

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