Why does it have to hurt so bad? When you know the pain is coming, why does it have to hurt so damn bad? Why does it have to feel like every good moment was a lie? Why does it have to feel like the absolute end of everything? Why can't I share this pain instead of keeping it all bottled up inside? Why does my pride keep me from telling someone how desperately bad I need them to just hold me until this heart shattering, gut wrenching pain goes away? Why does no one see the pain in my eyes? Why can no one see how fake my smile is? Why can't they see that I'm slowly falling apart, becoming a shell of the girl I used to be? Why can't they see? Why, God, why? Please take this pain away. I can't take it anymore, yet I know the worst is yet to come. It hasn't even hardly started- the deathblow to my soul. This limbo he's left me in for years is drawing to a close. I can feel it. He's going to rip it all away from me and leave me standing here naked and alone while he turns his back on me and walks back into her arms. Never to be mine again. A lifetime of promises broken and brushed under the rug to be forgotten, just like me.
*Can't sleep. Life fucking sucks sometimes. This is not about S...*