Chapter 5: Summons

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Lauren's POV
This morning has been ok so far. I just need to get out of this house without being noticed by the 3 other bitchy witches I live with. I got ready as quick as I could and asked Angie if she could pick me up a bit earlier.

Today I'm wearing an off the shoulder sleeve length, burgundy crop top paired with ripped jeans. And I'm wearing it with a black leather jacket and for shoes, I'm wearing my All-Star white Converse. And now that I'm ready, I'm gonna make sure my backpack is ready.

(Lauren gets her backpack ready and then she grabs her phone and heads downstairs. At this time it is 6:53 am. So Lauren went downstairs and walked out the door.)

Thank god I made it out of the house without the witch and the other witches noticing. Once I successfully left the house I walked over to Angela's car.

"Hey Angie," I said as I got into the car.
"Alyssa told me and Taylor about yesterday. I'm so sorry that that stupid bitch hit you. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to comfort you," she tells me.
"Angie, it's ok. Alyssa was with me yesterday. I'm fine now," I told her.
"I know, but I just feel bad because I couldn't be there for you," she says.
"Angela it's fine. I'm ok now. As long as I don't see that witch, I'll be ok, ok," I said.
"Ok, Laur," she responded.
"Alright now let's go to hell!" I exclaimed and she laughed. She started the car and drove us to school.

The ride there was fun. We sang out loud to our favorite songs and made fun of each other about how bad our singing was.

Then 15 minutes later we arrived at school. She parked the car in her usual spot and we got off the car. And walked into hell.

I walked to my locker to get my notebook and textbook for my first class. Then a few minutes later, Angela, Taylor, and Alyssa came up to me.

"Hey Laur, how are you feeling? Alyssa told me what happened. Are you ok?" Taylor asked me.
"I'm fine now. I still haven't seen Godzilla or the bitchy twins, so it's been a good day so far," I said and they laughed.
"Well, I'm glad you're smiling. And hopefully, we can keep it that way," Alyssa said. I do too.

And then we heard the first the bell signaling us that we need to start heading to class.

"And the bell killed the mood," Angela stated.
"It really did," I said.

We then walked around for a bit and talked about random stuff. And then we all went to our classes. Today I'm starting with AP Calculus, fun...not! I hate math to the core, but oh well.

(1 boring class later.|This is how I feel after I get out of a class, lol.)

I hate that my classes are 1 hour and 30 minutes long. Like is it really that necessary to keep students in a classroom for 90 minutes? Like c'mon now, we get bored in there. But at least that way, I only have 4 classes. Anyway, I have a 5 minute passing period so I better get to my locker. My next class is office service which is basically helping out in the school offices. I usually just do summons or help with paperwork. At least I don't need anything for this "class" except my badge.

(Lauren then went to her locker and left her backpack and grabbed her badge for office service. She then headed to the office and signed in. Then they gave her a list of summons to take care of.)

At least for office service, I'm actually doing something unlike being cooped up in a classroom, dying from boredom. And at least I can listen to music without anyone telling me shit.

(While Lauren was doing her stack of summons, she landed on a name she didn't think she would land on.)

Alright, who's next:
Name: Alexander Burriss
Classroom: Rm 218
Report to: Principal's office
Time: At once

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