Chapter 10: So Fucking Beautiful

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Lauren's POV
After Godzilla spoke with me, I went back to class. I knocked on the door and they let me in. I walked in and Alex is nowhere to be found. I was literally gone for like 15 minutes, and he left. Was this boy really that "bored"?

Well, at least I won't have anyone distracting me.

(One boring class later, it was time for lunch and Lauren went in line to get her food. Then she went to the dining hall and met up with her friends.)

"Hey guys," I said as I sat down in my spot.
"Hey Laur, are you ok?" Taylor asked me.
"Y-yeah I'm fine," I said. They didn't really look convinced but didn't ask any questions.
"So, what time are we leaving tonight?" Alyssa asked.
"I don't know. What time can everyone be ready?" Angela asked the three of us.
"Guys, I don't think I can go to the club tonight," I said.
"Why not?" they all asked me.

So every weekend or every other weekend, the four of us go to a club. We just have a couple drinks, maybe flirt, dance, and just have a good time. I actually love going clubbing with them because it's so much fun. It's just us four hanging out, outside of school.

"Natasha is having her driver pick me up right after school and she says she has a bunch of tasks for me. I have no fucking idea of what she has planned for me so I don't think I'll be able to leave," I told them.
"When did she tell you this? Did this happen last night and you didn't tell me?" Angie asked me.
"She came here during 3rd block. She pulled me out of Spanish to tell me that," I said.
"So that means you can't come to the mall with us after school?" Alyssa asked.
"Nope. Thanks to the witch of the wicked west side," I said and they laughed a little.
"Just let us know if you can still make it later," Taylor said and I nodded.

We continued talking and eating, then a certain jerk came to our table.

"Ladies," he said behind me.
"Hey Alex," my friends greeted him.
"No 'hey' for me?" he whispered in my ear and I felt a shiver down my spine. Oh fuck. I turned around and faced the jerk.
"What do you want, Alex?" I asked him.
"Chill princess, I just want to talk to you," he tells me.
"Talk to me about what?" I asked him.
"Can we talk in private?" he whispered in my ear with a very husky voice. Can he please stop doing that?
"Ok fine," I managed to say. "I'll be back." I told my friends and they nodded while Angie gave me a smirk. Oh god.

He then led me out of the dining hall. Where the hell is this boy taking me?

We then went to the hallway and he turned to me.

"So what did you want to me talk about?" I asked him. And he just stared at me. Kind of like he was trying to gather the rights words to say.
"What happened between you and Monica? That's her name, right? I don't even remember," he said and I let out a small laugh.
"Yes, that's her name. And Alex we just don't get along. Can you just let it go?" I asked him.
"Fine but can you at least tell me what happened when you left Spanish?" he asked me. I think I should be asking you that question.
"Something came up at home that's all, ok. Anyway, what happened to you after I left?" I asked him while raising my eyebrow. And then he shifted his position and I got a better view of him. I noticed that his lips were swollen. "I'm gonna take a guess you just came back from wherever you were."
"What? What do you mean by that?" he asked. Is he really playing dumb right now?
"Just by the look of your swollen bottom lip, I can tell what you were doing," I said and he touched his lip. Then he smirked.
"So you were looking at my lips? Do you have anything in mind of what you want to do with them?" he asked and then winked. Are you fucking kidding?
"Seriously? Ok, I'm done with this conversation," I said as I was walking away, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to face him.
"No, don't go. Do you want to hang out after school?" he asked me.
"Sorry, jerk. But I can't. I'm being picked up right after school. I can't even hang out with my friends after school like I wanted to today," I told him.
"Oh ok. Maybe another time. But can I have your number?" he asked me. Why does he want my number?
"Why do you want my number?" I asked him while raising an eyebrow.
"Because," he answered.
"That's not an answer," I argued.
"Yes it is," he argued back.
"No, it's not. But yeah I guess so. But please don't drunk text me," I said.
"No promises, princess," he said and winked. He handed me his phone and I put my number. "Aren't you going to give me your phone so I can give you my number?" Oh right.
"Here," I said while handing him my phone. He put in his number and then he took a picture of himself. "What are you doing?"
"Taking a picture for my contact photo. So that every time you see my name on your phone, you see this hot motherfucker," he said gesturing to himself. And I rolled my eyes.
"Ok, whatever," I responded.
"Aren't you going to put a picture for your contact photo?" he asked me.
"No, I don't like taking pictures," I told him.
"Why not?" he asked.
"Because I'm too ugly for the camera," I said and he looked stunned. (Same Laur. I relate to that so much lol. If I take a picture of myself it's because I'm bored.)
"You are not ugly. Don't listen to Monica. You aren't ugly. I promise you that. You are beautiful. So fucking beautiful. It amazes me that you're single," he said to me and he was very close to me. So close that I can feel his heart beating. And it's beating as fast as mine.

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