Chapter 15: Are You His Girlfriend?

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Lauren's POV
The rest of the block was normal. Alex and I didn't talk about what happened yesterday or my tiredness. But he did make me laugh a lot. Which woke me up a bit. But not enough for me not to be tired anymore.

Anyway, the bell rang. So it's time for lunch.

"So princess," Alex said. And I hummed in response. "So I'll meet you at your locker after school, ok." And I nodded.
"Ok, Alex," I said. And then a strand of my hair got in my face. I was going to put it behind my ear, but Alex beat me to it.
"I'll see you later, princess," he said after he put the strand behind my ear. He then started walking away, but he didn't leave the room without sending me a wink before he left.

Ok then.

I gathered my stuff and headed to the lunch line and to get lunch. After that, I headed over to my table with my friends waiting for me.

"There you are, cranky pants!" Angela exclaimed. And then I rolled my eyes as I sat down.
"Haha, very funny," I said sarcastically.
"Why thank you, I try. I always try to make you all laugh!" my best friend flattered herself. Yup, that's my extra ass best friend.
"Anyway, we are not done with the conversation from earlier," Taylor said. Goddammit.
"I actually have something more important to discuss that you all are going to want to hear," I told her.
"What is so important that we're gonna wa-" I cut off Taylor.
"Before you say it, please do not make a scene. Please," I pleaded and they all nodded. "I'm especially looking at you, Alyssa. I don't want you squealing or screaming. Just keep your emotions to yourself."
"Am I really that bad?" she asked us. Angie, Tay, and I give each other a look and look back to Aly.
"Yes!" we deadpanned.
"Well shit," Alyssa said. "I promise I won't go all 'Alyssa'. Now spill!"

Here goes nothing.

"Alex is taking me to his house after school," I said and they were all shocked. Oh great. I then look at Alyssa and she was about to squeal. "Alyssa, what did I say?" Alyssa takes a deep breath and then exhales.
"You can't say something like that and not expect me to squeal. Do you know how hard it was to hold that in?" she asked.
"I just saw it happen. And you were struggling. So I'm guessing extremely," Taylor said to her.
"It was. Now, what?!" she asked.
"So we were in Spanish and he noticed how tired I was. He was asking me why I didn't stay home today. I told him that I rather be here than stay home with Natasha and do chores. And then he said I should fall asleep when I get home. But Natasha won't let me relax. So he suggested that I could take a nap at his house," I said.
"Awww," they all said.
"Seriously?" I asked.
"Yes. It's cute that he cares about you," Angie said.
"He's just being nice," I said. And Alyssa rolled her eyes.
"Whatever you say," she said. Nows my turn to roll my eyes.

After that discussion, we complained about our classes and Taylor informed us of more drama happening in our school. Then the bell rang signally us that lunch was over. We threw our trash away and went to our lockers. And after that, we went to class.

(3 hours later)

And the day is finally over! Whoop whoop! Today was so hard to stay awake during class. Physics was probably the hardest because of how fucking boring my teacher is. But I managed...sort of. Anyway, time to go to my locker.

(Lauren heads to her locker and grabs her binder for English and puts it in her backpack. As she did that, a certain jerk came up to her.)

"Ready to go, princess?" I hear Alex ask me.
"Yeah," I yawned.
"Alright let's go," he said.

We started walking and some people were staring at us. And it made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't like being the center of attention. (Neither do I.) And then Monica comes up to us. More like came up to Alex.

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