Chapter 28: I Didn't Touch His Dick

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(I have no words or explanation for the name of the chapter. Just read it lol.)

Lauren's POV
The minute I admitted that I'm falling in love with Alex out loud, I immediately called Angela. FaceTime, to be exact.

"Hey, Laur, what's u-"I cut off my best friend.
"IthinkimfallinginlovewithAlex!" I mumbled a little too fast.
"What?!" my best friend asked. "Say it a little slower."
"I. Think. I'm. Falling. In. Love. With. Alex," I said, slower, very slow.
"Hold up, we need Aly and Tay to hear this as well," she said and she added my other two best friends to the call.
"Hey!" Alyssa and Taylor said when they answered.
"Hi, Aly and Tay. Listen to what Laur just admitted. Well let's be honest, what she finally admitted," Angie said. Wait, what?
"Oh, you mean her liking Alex?" Taylor asked.
"More her like loving Alex," Alyssa teased.
"Huh?" I muttered. "You guys knew?"
My best friends all looked at each other and said, "We've been knowing."

Damn. How blind am I with my feelings?

Very blind apparently.

"So you guys knew I was falling in love with Alex?" I asked them.
"YES!" they yelled.
"Ok, ok, I get it. I'm oblivious towards my feelings," I said.
"Yeah, you are. We noticed because it was obvious. It was very obvious, well at least to us. Why did it take you so long to realize it?" Taylor asked me.
"I don't know. I've always known that I liked him. But that's it. I guess I haven't been paying attention to my feelings enough," I said.
"Yeah, no, you haven't," Alyssa said.
"Ok, we get it, Aly! I'm oblivious towards my feelings," I said laughing. My friends laughed too.

This felt weird for some reason. Yeah, we've talked about boys before, but this is different. We've said stuff like, "oh that boy is hot" or "god damn that dude is looking fine". But this is different. I don't just find Alex attractive. No.

It's more than that.

I'm falling in love with him. Like the real him. I love his personality. Yeah, he can be egotistical and a jerk sometimes, but he's hilarious, sweet, caring, handsome and dashing.

I guess I'm not used to talking about someone I'm in love with it. But then again I've never been in love, well then again this is the first time I've been in love so-

"Lauren! Are you still with us?" Angie asked me. Seriously, Angie?
"Angie, leave the girl alone. " Thank you, Taylor. "Can't you see she's thinking about her man," she said smirking.
"Are you guys kidding me?" I asked. (Yeah no.)
"Don't even try to deny it. We know you were," Alyssa said. Goddammit, I hate it when they're right.
"Guys, stop it. Can we please change the subject?" I asked, knowing that my cheeks are probably turning a bright red.
"So you were, got it," Angela teased.
"Shut up!" I scowled at my best friend. And the 3 of them laughed. "I need better friends."
"Ain't no one better than us, Laur," Alyssa said. I mean, to be honest, she's right.
"Try leaving us and watch," Angela said. "I'm going to pull you right back in. The moment you agreed to be best friend's with me in grade 7, we're besties for life. There is no way you're getting rid of me."

And I started laughing. No matter how stupid and annoying my friends sound, they're my besties and I love them. I would never trade them for anyone else.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," I said. "But I'm serious, can we change the subject?"
"Nope. We need details on what exactly happened today," Alyssa demanded. Of course, she needs the details.
"Details?" I asked.
"What made you realize you're in love with him?" she asked me.
"Well, he was here not that long ago. He just left actually. He came in through my window and we were talking for a bit," I said.
"Came in through your window?" Taylor asked.
"Yup. His dumbass was trying to avoid the bitchy witches, so he thought climbing in through the window was a great idea," I said.

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