Chapter 39: Get Some!

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Lauren's POV
After Alex left my house, I locked the door and grabbed my phone. I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed my laptop. I sent up it up for Skype. Then I texted my group chat.

<< Everyone on Skype, right now!

Angie|My Main Ho ❤️:
>> Hey to you too Laur

Tay|My Fellow Nerd 🤓💖:
>> What's the occasion?

<< I'll explain when y'all get on Skype!

Aly|My Crazy Weirdo 🤪💕:
>> Logging on

<< Finally someone listens to me!

I refresh the site and it says that the 3 of them are active so I make the call. And I see my 3 best friends on my screen.

"Hey Laur," they greeted me.
"Hey guys," I said.
"So what did you want to tell us?" Taylor asked me.
"Well first, how was last night?" I asked
"Why don't you tell her, Alyssa?" Angie says.  And my eyes diverted to Alyssa.

Ooh, what happened last night?

"I might have gotten a guy's number last night," she said and her face began to turn red. Once she said that, my eyes widened.
"Ooh, Aly! Get some!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, yeah. Shut up!" she said sounding annoyed.
"I'm sorry girl, but I ain't letting this go," I told her.
"Ok, anyway, what happened after you left?" Alyssa asked me. Oh right.

Here we go.

"Well that Damien kid that was asking for me last night, he's a friend of Alex," I started off. Once I had said the name, they didn't look too happy. "Anyway, he told me that he was worried about him because he hadn't been acting like himself."
"And why was that?" Angela asked.
"Damien told me it was because he missed me. That it hurt him to be away from me," I explained.
"If it hurt him as well as it hurt you, then why was he ignoring you?" Alyssa asked.
"Because he was trying to protect me. I don't necessarily know from what because Alex said its best if I don't know, but that's why. And Damien also confirmed with me that Alex is in love with me," I said and they looked shocked.

The first to show an actual reaction was Angela.

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" she exclaimed. We all started laughing at how stupid Angela looked. But once our laughter died down, she spoke again. "Ok, continue."
"Damien then convinced me to talk to Alex. He called him and asked if he could go to his house. Alex said yes and that's when I told you that I was leaving," I said.
"Ok, then what happened?" Taylor asked.

I then tried to figure out how to explain the conversation I had with Alex at his house in the best possible way. I don't need my besties thinking my boyfriend is a total douché.

"At Alex's house he kind of said things I never thought he would say, but he only said them to keep me away for my own safety," I explained.
"What did he say?" Alyssa asked.

And here's the part I was dreading. I took a deep breath and I spoke.

"He might have had said that he never wants to see me again and that he'll never love me," I said. I stayed quiet, looking at my 3 best friends. Waiting for their responses and reactions. Angie spoke first.
"He said what?" Angie asked, sounding mad.

Oh shit.

"He didn't mean it though. Trust me I was mad when he said it. I was so mad that I slapped him," I said.
"Yup that sounds like our Lauren," Taylor said. "I'm guessing there's still more?" I nodded and continued on.
"I ran off and cried. I didn't want to believe that had happened, but it did. Once I had calmed myself down a bit, I ordered an Uber home. Once I got home I just cried," I said.

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