Chapter 37: Two Idiots In Love

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*Previously on Laurex ~ A Cinderella Story *

Damien convinced Alex to go talk to Lauren and explain why he said what he said. At Lauren's house, Lauren was ignoring him when he was knocking on her window. But eventually, she let him in her room. Alex apologized to Lauren and confessed his love to her. And now they both know they're in love with each other. Now back to the chapter.

Lauren's POV
"It's ok, Princess, I'm right here," he said in a soothing tone as he rocked us back and forth.
"I thought you were going to leave like I said," I mumbled into his shirt.
"I was. But I couldn't leave the girl I'm in love with alone, crying. I just had to stay and comfort her," he told me. He then kissed the top of my head.
"I thought you said you would never love me?" I asked him as I pulled my head out of his chest.
"I was lying, baby girl. I love you so much. Like you have no idea how much it broke me to see you cry because of the stupid things I said that I completed regret saying. I love you, Lauren, and I'm sorry," he said and I saw a few of his tears were slowly coming down.
"I love you too, Alex," I said and I hugged him.

I missed this. I missed being in his arms. And now it feels even better knowing that he loves me like I love him.

"Baby, are we ok now?" he asked me. And it felt weird to hear him call me "baby", but I liked it.
"Yeah, I forgive you," I told him and I kissed his cheek.
"I'm glad, Princess," he tells me and he kisses my temple.
"I love you," I say once more. I look him in the eyes. And I can see his eyes are twinkling.
"I love you too, baby girl," he said. And that made me smile. And then I was hit by the cold breeze coming through my window.
"Alex," I said. He hummed in response. "Can you close and lock the window? It's getting cold in here." He then nodded.

He let me go and walked towards the window. He closed it and locked it. Then he closed my curtains as well.

"Thank you, baby," I said. This feels so weird. Like what the hell is going on?
"You're welcome, Princess," he said.

As much as the nickname, "Princess" annoyed me at first, I've grown to love it.

"So, um, what are we now?" I asked, nervous to hear what he is going to say.
"I don't know, what do you want us to be?" he asked and then smirked.
"Don't get any perverted ideas, buddy," I told him and I lightly pushed him. And he just laughed.
"Thanks for that push, babe," he said.
"You're welcome, babe," I said. I sent him a wink and a smile.

I get on my bed and Alex lays next to me.

"Princess, is it ok if I stay the night?" he asked me as he grabbed my hand.
"Yeah, sure," I told him and a smile crept onto his face.
"Thank you, baby," he said and he kissed the top of my hand.
"You're welcome," I told him.
"So what do you want to do? 'Cause I'm not tired, but I don't know about you," he said.
"I'm not tired either. Do you wanna just talk?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I love our late night conversations," he said.
"Me too," I agreed.

Before we started talking, Alex snuggled next to me. He snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his bare chest. I didn't even notice when he took off his jacket, let alone his shirt.

"Are you comfortable?" he whispered in my ear. And I felt a shiver down my spine. Especially when he started rubbing circles on my bare back because he crept his hand under my hoodie.
"Yeah, but question, why is your hand under my hoodie?" I asked him.
"I don't know what you are talking about," he said trying to sound innocent.

I didn't buy it, not one bit. Especially when I saw him smirking in the corner of my eye.

"You aren't fooling anyone with that so-called innocent look," I said. And he started laughing.  I love it when he laughs.
"Babe!" he said and he started leaving small kisses on my neck.
"Alex, stop!" I said while giggling.
"Fine," he said and I laughed.
"Oh, Alex," I said.
"Yes?" he responded.
"What did Damien mean when he told me that you distance yourself from me to protect me?" I asked him and his smile faded away.
"Um, it's best if you don't know," he told me.
"Why?" I asked him.
"Because then you'll be unsafe and I don't know what I'd do if I ever put you in danger," he said to me. And his expression looked genuine.

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