Book 1:The Legends

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Allistar Academy. A school shrouded in mystery. Only those who have been invited can enter. No one knows why they hide themselves. Many say it was a school for the gifted. Yet some were just average and had no special talents at all. Oh were they wrong. Some say there was a different and specific piece that made all of them similar.

Through research, outsiders have seen or heard news reports of strange occurrences. Most of them usually happened when a student of Allistar was nearby. Those reports showed impossible things like the appearances of mythical and magical creatures. Creatures like dragons, phoenixes and sorcerers. Almost all of these incidents happened with an Allistar. It was believed that Allistar Academy was a refuge for them.

No further proof was given to prove this statement. A reason for this was that no one knew the location of the academy except Allistars. Trying to find the people part of the school was hard since all records of them being a part of it couldn't be found.

Everyone wanted to know where this school is and what secrets does it hide. People tried to remember the ones whom they thought were part of the school, but failed to do so. Despite this, no records of the academy and its members could be found.

The mystery was left unsolved. Outsiders gave up on the cause and the academy was left as a rumor. The school was silent for years until they made a comeback. Their students became restless and missed their families. The principal allowed it as long as they didn't reveal the school's secrets. No records proved that they were a part of it, so they were safe.

But soon, a mistake would cause everything to fall apart. Until then, a tournament will begin with a certain sport.


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