Students of Allistar

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Me: There will be new OCs mentioned in this chapter.

Paulo: She thought of them though.

Me: I thought Ciana was doing the commentary with me.

Paulo: My sister took my cans of coffee and Ciana drank them all! :'(

Me: How many cans?

Paulo: 30-70 cans, I think.

Me: I DO NOT OWN PRINCE OF TENNIS. I need to get my net!

Apollo: Fire has come from the West. Light and Darkness follows Water.


A bus arrived at a large bronze gate. On the left side of the gate was a guardhouse and beside it was a tall hedge. Similar to the right side, but it had no guardhouse. The area was shrouded in fog, no one knowing where they are. The gate had a symbol of a large circle with a cursive 'A'.

The bus driver showed a pin to the guard in the guardhouse. The guard nodded and whistled. The gate opened and the bus went through. The area they were in had a large green field. The bus drove on a stone path and stopped beside a large stone fountain. The fountain had a statue of a dragon holding a pot. Behind the fountain was a tall and wide building. It has brown walls and black-tiled roof. It had lots of windows and large, white wooden double doors.

The doors of the bus opened to reveal the nine regulars of Seigaku. "I still can't believe they just gassed us!" Eiji whined. "Eiji!" Oishi scolded. Tezuka looked at his team, "Ryuuzaki-sensei went ahead of us to discuss about what we will do here." Momo looked around and whistled as he saw the school building.

Taka looked around, "Where are the other teams?" Once he said this, more buses arrived. Each of the bus doors opened to reveal the other tennis teams of Japan. Everyone got off and greeted one another. Until a familiar voice interrupted them.

"I knew you guys were gonna be here." it said. Everyone turned to the voce to see Kevin and the other USA West Coast Team members. "The American Team!" Kirihara exclaimed. Kintaro jumped up and down, "Sugoi! Not only can I play with Koshimae, but with the American Team too!"

Greetings were exchanged and Echizen couldn't help but ask, "Who invited you?" "Our good pal, Carlo, invited us." Billy answered. A red-haired male with amber eyes appeared from behind Bobby and Arnold. "Hello!" he waved. He walked towards the tennis teams. "It's nice to meet the tennis teams my little sister talks about so highly." he remarked. "Wait, you're an-" Oishi started but got cut off.

"I'm the 1st child, Carlo Ancient." Suddenly, a strong breeze runs past them. He sighed, "As much as I would like to get to know you guys, I have to go catch Whirlwind." He then snapped his fingers.

A female with auburn hair and has brown eyes appeared. She wore a red blouse under a blue blazer with an Allistar pin, an above knee green skirt, white knee-high socks and violet leather flats. Dangling from her ears are silver rings with an emerald hanging from it.

"Cordelia will show you where to go." Carlo explained and brought out a large net. "Where are you going, Carlo?" Tom asked. "The sugar-crazed, caffeine-induced, white-haired demon has been let loose." Another strong breeze passes, "And I must catch it!" He ran off in the breeze's direction, bringing the net and a cart of hunting equipment with him.

Everyone, except for Cordelia, sweatdropped. "What's going on?" Terry asked Cordelia. She sighed. "Long story short, Paulo had cans of coffee, there were fifty in total and now Ciana drank them all." she explained, "Now please follow me to the assembly hall."


"You're the president of the Caillouet Corporation?!" Gakuto and Jirou exclaimed. Along their journey to the assembly hall, the two of them had a conversation with Cordelia. Finding out that she is the president of said corporation. Now that they've said it out loud, the people who found her familiar believed it.

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