Earth and Wind

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Luther: But she does own the Allistar students and staff and the plot.

Christy: This story's gonna end soon.

Me: Please read my other stories, if you can.

Earth's true form was revealed while protecting its kin.


Atobe, Kamio and Kai brought Cordelia back to the academy. The rest continued their search for Ciana. Their first clue was the dragon's roar. They went into the direction of where the sound came from.

Then they arrived at a surprising sight.

A dragon, bigger and taller than the forest trees, was lying on the ground. It had brown scales and blue eyes. It looked like its wings are hiding something. It was conscious and snarled at its attackers.

Surrounding the dragon were five serpents. They had black scales and each of them had different eye colors. They were half the size of the dragon. The search party brought out their weapons, "Don't hurt them!" Luther commanded. Sanada looked at him, "Then what are we supposed to do?!"

"I got it!" Christy exclaimed, proceeding to chant a spell. Five purple circular patterns appeared under the serpents. Lines appeared from them and trapped the serpents inside. Then with the wave of her hand, they disappeared. Luther walked up her, "Did you send them back to the academy?" She nodded.

"Uh guys?" Echizen called. They turned to him. "The dragon?" The dragon was snarling at them. "Don't worry, Paulo won't hurt us." Christy explained. "That's Paulo?!" The players, except the calm and stoic ones, exclaimed.

Luther turned to the dragon, "Paulo! It's us!" Paulo looked at them closely, then sniffed them. After that, he calmed down and lifted his wing.

The party got closer to see an unconscious Ciana. Her jacket was gone and she was covered with cuts and bruises. "Ciana!" Luther and Christy cried out. They got her out of Paulo's wings and proceeded to bandage her up.

"Now I understand why he hadn't flown off to escape the serpents." Kite stated. "But how did get into this state?" Sanada asked. "It was Crusader." Luther said, grimly. He stood up and said, "This proves that you guys need to go home." Echizen shook his head, "This proves that you guys are in trouble."

The others nodded. "The people who are part of this academy are our old friends." Kajimoto explained. "And we won't leave them behind." Fuji added. Christy sighed, "It's no use, bro. Tennis players are that stubborn."

Luther sighed as well, "Well, it's a good thing that Ciana heals fast." As soon as he said this, a bandaged Ciana sat up. "I'm awake!" she cheered. This surprised the tennis players. "What?! How?! When?!" some of them exclaimed.

"Never mind that!" Ciana ordered, "Paulo! Lead us to Crusader's hideout!" She said, pointing at Paulo. Paulo stood up and lead out a tremendous roar.


Sorry that it's short.

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