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Ciana: This chapter may be longer than the rest due to something that made the author confused.

joni99: I lost track of the plot, even though I already thought it through.

Ciana: Also, she's been busy with her other stories. Please read, if you want to: 'Tale of the Shapeshifter (RWBY Fanfic)' which is a short story and her other stories.

joni99: Enjoy!

Paulo: Earth made an awesome appearance.


"Where are the others?" Rowan asked the 5th Ancient. She sighed, "They refused to come here until they get an awesome entrance." then she grinned, "Which was what I was doing before the scent of vanilla stopped me." As she said this, she brought out a remote with a red button.

Rowan sighed, "Just do it so we can get started already." Ciana grinned and pressed the button. Smoke covered the way to the school building to the tennis courts. Out came 5 males.

One had dark skin, black hair and steel gray eyes. There was also another black-haired male but had light tan skin and red eyes. The next one was a violet-haired male with tan skin and gold eyes. Beside him was a green-haired male with light skin and dark blue eyes. Lastly, a boy who has looks similar to Ciana but has brown hair, slightly tanned skin and blue eyes. All of them wore a uniform, a light gray jacket, black pants and white sneakers. Each of their jackets bears an element. (A/N: Rowan also wears this. I forgot to describe his outfit.)

Once they reached the tennis teams, Rowan gave them a look. "Really?" "It makes us awesome!" Martin exclaimed. "To tell you the truth, me and Jun were against it." Luther added. "Luther?" Tachibana said, surprised. "Tachibana-san. Kamio-san." he greeted.

"I wanna do the introductions!" Ciana proclaimed. "Okay." Rowan replied. She took a deep breath and...

"You already met me and Rowan, so this is Sam Armann, Martin Riley, Luther Williams, Jun Liang and my brother, Paulo Ancient." She introduced in a very fast explanation.

Rowan's jacket had a fire symbol, Sam had a sun symbol, Martin and Luther had a shadow symbol, Jun and Paulo had a rock symbol and Ciana had a whirlwind symbol.

"Wait! There's another one?!" Momo shouted. "There are six Ancient siblings in total." Ciana added. "So what child is he?" Minami asked. "I'm the 4th child." Paulo stated.

Atobe stepped forward, "Ore-sama wants to know when the matches are starting." "What matches?" Sam asked. "The matches that you said you'll have with Seigaku." Oshitari explained.

"Jun." Rowan called. Jun tapped his chin, "As I recalled, our principal said specifically that we'll have a match with Seigaku."

Kaidoh hissed, "You tricked us!" Luther crossed his arms, "Allistar Academy won't allow all of its secrets to be exposed." Tezuka looked at Rowan, "So who will play from your team." Rowan placed his finger on his forehead, "Let me think."

Ciana jumped up from behind Paulo. "Me! Pick me!" but was sadly ignored by Rowan. "Who should I pick?" he asked himself. Ciana was upside down, balancing on Sam's right shoulder and Jun's left shoulder. "Right here! Choose me!" Rowan ignored her again. The situation continued as Rowan thought and ignored Ciana's exclamations.

'Is he doing this on purpose?!' Everyone thought. "I wait..." Rowan mumbled. Ciana appeared in front of him and grabbed his collar, then started shaking him back and forth. "For the love of Apophis! Pick me!" she yelled. Rowan got Ciana off him. "Okay. Okay."

"It looks like Ciana's our player." Sam remarked. Tezuka glanced at the youngest regular, "Echizen will play against Ciana." "Hai." Echizen agreed, adjusting his cap. He set his bag down and brought out his racket. Ciana ran to her side of the court, jumping up and down, holding a white racket with a silver grip tape.

Echizen just walked to his side, "Rough or smooth?" "Rough!" she cheered. The racket spun and fell, "Smooth." he stated. Oishi agreed to be the referee. The two players got into position. Echizen bounced the ball and served.

The ball hit the ground, spinning and bounced off. "Twist Serve!" the freshmen yelled. It passed by Ciana, the girl did nothing to return it. "15-Love!" Oishi announced. Few minutes later, Echizen won the first set.

"Is she even trying?" "How did she become the Europeon champion?" Murmurs from the audience was heard.

Tomoka laughed, "Ha! Not even an Allistar student can beat Ryoma-sama!" "T-Tomo." Sakuno stuttered. Then the reporters from Pro Tennis Weekly appeared, hearing about the Allistar Academy coming to Seigaku. "Eh? Echizen-kun is playing against that strange girl." Shiba said, surprised. "Don't let her looks fool you." Inoue commented.

"What do you mean? She's lost the first set." Katsuo stated. "That's her plan. She became the champion in Europe because of that." Inoue explained, "She observes her opponent in the first set and on the next set, she's going to fight back."

The match resumed and Ciana was going to serve. She tossed the ball into the air and hit it. It looked like a regular serve. Strangely, she ran to the front. "What's she doing?!" Eiji exclaimed.

Echizen returned it with a power shot that was aimed at the corner. Surprisingly, Ciana was already there, ready to return the shot. "Nani?!" he yelled in surprise. She returned the shot. It landed in the right front corner of Echizen's side, spinning. He ran towards it, ready to return it when it bounced diagonally to the left court then the right corner at the back and hit the fence. Everyone was speechless.

"Mr. Referee!" Ciana called. Oishi snapped out of it and announced, 'F-Fifteen-Love!" "This is getting interesting." Yukimura commented. The two players got back in position, but there was a slight difference. "Yo Sis! You're facing the wrong direction!" Paulo shouted. Ciana was facing the fence, her back facing the net. "I know!" she answered.

"She's planning something." Kajimoto stated. Ciana tossed the ball into the air and hit it while facing backwards. Echizen hit the ball back with his smash. "Cyclone Smash!" the freshmen cheered. Unfortunately, the ball was heading towards Ciana.

"Look out!" a few people yelled out. She raised her racket and the ball landed there. Then she started to spin counter clockwise, creating a tiny cyclone. The cyclone grew until it disappeared, Ciana high up with the ball. "Super Smash!" Ciana cheered and smashed the ball. Echizen ran towards the ball, but failed to reach it. "30-Love!" Oishi announced.

Meanwhile, Jun noticed Paulo getting something out of his bag. "What are you doing, Paulo?" he asked. The brother of Ciana brought out a box, "I brought a snack with me, just in case I got hungry." he replied. He opened the box the reveal a vanilla cupcake. "Uh-oh..." Paulo said as each of his teammates' eyes widened.

Back with the match, Ciana tossed the ball into the air, but stopped once her nose twitched. She ignored the ball and the match, starting to charge over to her brother. She jumped and tackled her brother to the ground while screaming, "Mine!"

The rest of the team facepalmed while Martin cheered her on. The onlookers just sweatdropped at the scene. Rowan walked towards Tezuka. "I'm afraid we can't continue the match due to certain...circumstances." he stated. He snapped his fingers and the rest of his teammates gave the tennis captains of each school an envelope with an Allistar seal.

"What's this?" Sanada asked. Sam coughed, "Our principal has decided to make a special event for the chosen tennis teams." "You mean we're going to Allistar Academy!?" Shiraishi exclaimed. "Yep! But only the tennis regulars and their coach and if you tell the world any of the Allistar Academy secrets, we'll have to kill you!" Ciana exclaimed, an unconscious Paulo behind her.

Everyone laughed, except the stoic ones and the Allistar students. Jun raised his hand, "She's not kidding."


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