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Christy: joni99 does not own Prince of Tennis.

Luther: Only her OCs and the plot.

Allistar: Wind has taken off to destroy the Crusade and protect the Star.


The remaining people of the academy searched the school grounds for Ciana, but couldn't find her. The tennis players joined the search, yet not having any luck on finding her as well. Finding no clues to her whereabouts, they returned to the main building. Still, others continued to search.

Allistar was pacing around the room. He looked up and saw Luther, "Did you find her?" he asked, concerned. Luther looked grim and shook his head. "We searched the whole school grounds. The only theory we have is that she went into the forest." Allistar placed a finger on his chin, "I was afraid of this."

"Hey!" The doors burst open to reveal Kintaro and Echizen. Kintaro held up a black ribbon. "We found something!" he exclaimed. Allistar took it from his hands, "This is Ciana's ribbon. Diana gave it to her as a gift." he explained.

He turned to the two freshmen. "Where did you find this?" he asked. Echizen stepped up, "We found it near the forest. It was stuck to one of the branches." Allistar went it thought. "Okay," he stated, "All of you are going home. Now."


(A/N: Sorry for that. I don't have any ideas after Allistar said that. So continuing!)

The tennis teams were packing up. While they were packing, Echizen was having some thoughts about what happened. 'An old friend...' he thought. Then a sudden realization hit him. 'White hair and green eyes! She's the girl from before that tournament!' A picture came into his head.

He was 6 years old and was playing at the park. With him was a white-haired girl with green eyes. Then a black car arrived. A golden-haired man came out of the car with a red-haired boy. They took the girl and left.

Echizen made up his mind. "Momo-senpai?" he called his roommate. "Yeah?" he asked. "I'm left something at the main building." He stated, walking out the door, "I'll be right back!" And he started running. Towards the forest.


"Do you see anything, Christy?" Luther asked. She shook her head, "No. I can't even find her presence." Her eyes glowed purple before reverting back into its normal state. Suddenly she stopped and her eyes glowed again. "What is it?" he asked, his nails turning into claws.

The bushes rustled. The two Allistars advanced towards the bushes. Slowly, they peered around the bushes and tackled the pursuer. "What the-" Luther said, standing up. "Echizen!" Christy exclaimed, throwing him out of the bushes. "What are you doing here?!" she questioned.

He rubbed his head and stood up, "I'm helping you find Ciana." The two looked at each other and turned back to him. "Is it just you?" Luther asked. Echizen smirked, "It's just me." The bushes rustled again. "Not exactly." A voice added.

Out of the bushes came Tezuka, Fuji, Atobe, Sanada, Kajimoto, Kamio, Kevin, Kite and Kai. It was Atobe who spoke. "What are you guys doing here?!" Christy exclaimed. "We saw Echizen head towards the forest. So, we followed him." Fuji explained.

Luther massaged his head, "Okay. I'm going to contact Allistar and tell him." He brought out his communicator and spoke through it. Suddenly, Christy's eyes glowed. "Christy? What's wrong with you?" Kajimoto asked. Luther stopped talking.

Silence filled the forest. "Something else is here." she whispered. Few minutes after she said this, vines came out towards them. But they weren't ordinary vines. They were violet with thorns. The players dodged the vines while Luther and Christy brought out a sword and dagger respectively.

"Where did these come from?!" Kai questioned. Then a booming laughter filled the forest. "I brought them here to stop you!" From the direction where the vines came from, a girl came out of the trees. She had pale skin and violet hair. Her eyes glowed green. Her outfit consists of a violet dress woven out of plants. Once she appeared, the plants around her started to wither.

"Christy!" Luther called. She nodded and chanted a spell. While the players dodged for their lives, a weapon appeared in front of them. "Take them!" Christy ordered. They did as she told them and proceeded to cut the vines.

Atobe, who was closest to the plant girl, charged at her and held her down. Once he did, the vines stopped attacking. The girl glared at him, "What are you waiting for? Kill me already." She stated. Atobe stared at the girl, finding similar features to-

"Atobe! That's Cordelia!" Luther exclaimed. While he was distracted, Cordelia kicked him off. Fortunately, Chirsty threw some daggers and pinned Cordelia on the ground before she could get up.

The others helped Atobe up and some guarded the evil Cordelia. "If that's Cordelia, why did she attack us?" Tezuka asked. Luther was in thought and said, "It might have been-" His sentence was caught off by a loud roar.

"What was that?!" Kevin questioned. Christy answered, "That was a dragon's roar."


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