Wind and Water

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Enjoy!!! :D

Water has returned and Wind has appeared

A/N: I do not own this photo. Imagine this person with long white hair and green eyes.


After a surprise tournament, the Seigaku regulars were waiting near the gate for their coach. "How long do we have to wait?" Momo asked. "Just a few more minutes. Ryuzaki-sensei needed to talk to the tennis association about something." Oishi answered. "But it's taking too long, nyah!" Eiji complained.

Echizen, who was drinking his favorite drink, heard some students talking about a mysterious school.

"Hey! Did you hear?" the first guy asked. "Yeah! They said that Allistar Academy has well-known students in there." The second guy replied. "Didn't they enter 2 years ago in the tennis tournament?" The third guy questioned. "Yeah! Their play styles are inhuman!" The second guy exclaimed.

"Momo-senpai." The freshman called. "What is it, Echizen?" Momo asked. "What's Allistar Academy?" "Allistar Academy is a mysterious school where it seems that no one can find its location or who's a part of it." A voice, not Momo's, answered.

The regulars turned to see Fudomine, St. Rudolph, Yamabuki and Hyotei. It was Mizuki who answered the question. "They entered the tennis tournament 2 years ago but didn't enter the tournament after." he added. The five schools continued to talk about the school.

Echizen started to lose interest in the conversation until he noticed a strange shadow. Before he could tell his senpais about it, a whistle resounded through the air. "Hey you!" A guard, who held the whistle, pointed to the top of the tennis fence.

Everyone looked up to see an 11-year old, white-haired girl with green eyes. A peculiar appearance for a person. Her outfit consists of a black shirt under a white waist-length jacket, white shorts and pink converse shoes.

She giggled and stood up. She ran along the fence and jumped, landing perfectly on the ground. She faced the exit, the teams and guards blocking the way. She crouched down and smirked. No one saw what happened. She took one step and was gone. The girl disappeared and a breeze passed them. They turned around.

There, standing in the gate, was the white-haired girl. She stuck her tongue at them and disappeared from their sights.

Everyone blinked. "What just happened?" Sengoku asked.

*********************At Kawamura's Sushi*********************

At Kawamura's Sushi, everyone was celebrating. But Kikumaru brought up one particular topic, "I wonder who that girl was at the tournament." He questioned. His question made everyone curious and faced the data man of Seigaku. Inui's glasses gleamed, "I don't have anything information on the girl but her appearance doesn't look human." "I have something." Echizen stated.

The others crowded around him as he brought out a pin. It was a golden pin and had two capitals A in the center of a large circle. "Where did you get this, Echizen?" Taka asked. "Well..."


Echizen was casually walking behind his teammates. When he was about to pass the gate, he stopped when he felt something under his shoe. He moved his foot to see the pin. He picked it up and before he could look at it any longer, his teammates called him. He put it in his pocket to look at it later.

*Flashback End*

"Are you sure that you just kept it for that reason alone?" Momo teased. "Urusai, senpai." Echizen remarked. Momo continued to tease Echizen. "As Mizuki-san and the others said earlier, Allistar Academy is a school of mystery." Inui stated. " no one actually knows who are the students of that school?" Kaidoh questioned. "Yes. But I have a guess of who one of them might be." he said.

"Really?! Who?" Oishi asked. "She was a previous student of Seigaku and a close friend of Tezuka and Fuji." Inui stated. Fuji's eyes opened, "You don't mean..." Inui nodded, "Yes." "Who is it?!" Horio and Tomoka exclaimed.

"Marina Ancient." Tezuka told them.

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