The Truth and The Enemy

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Ciana: Hey everyone!

Me: *whispers* She doesn't know what happened...

Ciana: Hey joni99? Why are you whispering?

Me: No reason!

Ciana: *grins* Okay! Hey, why didn't you let me read the previous chapter?

Me: Uh... I DO NOT OWN PRINCE OF TENNIS. Ciana! Get back in the story!

Truth revealed as the Wind took off.


"Does Ciana know about this?" Echizen asked Luther. He shook his head, "She must never know."

Echizen stared at him, "Why? Why can't she know about this?" Luther looked at the freshman. "The question is: Why do you care about the reason of not telling her?" This surprised Echizen. Why is he worried about her?

Luther stood up, "I shouldn't be surprised though," he walked towards the door but stopped beside Echizen, "she is your old friend." He eyes .widened. Before asking any further, Luther already left.

He stared at the door for a while until a voice called him, "Echizen?" The freshman turned to see his captain standing at the stairway. He straightened up, "Buchou, there's news about what happened..."


After Echizen told everyone what Luther told him, they proceeded to the Assembly Hall. As they went there, they noticed that there was no one around. Usually, the students were hanging around the campus. Either heading off somewhere or just talking with other friends.

All they see is the deserted academy grounds.

As they walked, Echizen noticed a certain white-haired Ancient sitting at the fountain. She waved at them, "Hey guys!" she greeted. Some greeted back while others just gave nods or waves. "Where are you going?" she asked.

Remembering Allistar's orders, they keep quiet and continued on. Echizen, Kintaro, Momo, Kirihara and Ootori stayed behind though. "W-We're going to a meeting about the tournament." Ootori stuttered. The others nodded in agreement.

She narrowed her eyes at them, thinking hard, but then grinned, "Okay!" Echizen tilted his head, "Have you ever wondered why there aren't any students around?" "Echizen!" Momo whisper-hollered. Ciana giggled, "That's because Paulo's pranking them! Making sure that they think that it's still night at their rooms! So that they're late for class!" she exclaimed.

"I have a question." Kirihara stated. They turned to him, "What is it?" she asked. "Why are you here?" he asked. Ciana giggled again, "Christy and Luther told me to sit here and put my feet in the water until they come back. But now I'm bored~" she whined. "Then why don't you leave?" Kintaro asked.

"I would leave but I can't move!" she lifted her feet out of the water to reveal that her feet her frozen in ice. "My feet are frozen!" she exclaimed, smiling. "Why are you saying that with such a happy face!?" Momo questioned. Instead of answering, she cried out while smiling, "My feet hurt!" "We can't tell with that expression!" They all yelled.


Few minutes later, they got her out of the ice. "Thanks you guys!" she said, stretching. They smiled at her appreciation and left, except for a certain prince of tennis. "Do I know you?" he asked. "Huh? Of course you do! We met at that surprise tournament!" she answered, jogging in place.

He shook his head, "No. I mean that have we met before as kids." She stopped. She looked at him, "Luther told you, didn't he?" she asked. He nodded. Ciana sighed, "Guess it can't be helped." she said, "But I'm not supposed to reveal any secrets!" she huffed and turned away.

Echizen sighed and closed his eyes. Just when he was about to walk away, he felt someone hug him. He opened his eyes to see the color white. "I missed you, Ryobaka..." she mumbled.

Before he could respond, she disappeared with the wind. It was then that he felt something around his neck. It was a gold medallion. It had a dragon emblem in the middle with a six gems encircling it. The gems were, from counter clockwise, red, blue, yellow, brown, white and black.

He looked back at Ciana's direction and then headed off to the hall.


The tennis teams were seated in the Assembly hall. No Allistar students were present. They were seated there for a while until the principal and the coaches finally came out. "What's going on?" Oishi asked Ryuuzaki once she came to them. "Allistar will explain that now." She replied.

Allistar stood in front of the teams. "As you may have known, Marina and Carlo went after the creature you saw last night and never came back. That creature was known as a Deathwing. It is a creature created by a scientist named Crusader..... he is my brother." Gasps could be heard from the teams.

"He used to be part of this academy. But he turned evil due to his ambitions of eradicating the world of humans." "But isn't he human?" Yukimura asked. Allistar sighed. "No." he paused, "He is not human. Neither are we." This surprised everyone. "So the rumors of the school being of refuge for the people here are true?" Sakaki questioned.

Allistar nodded, "We invited you here to show the world that we have no secrets." "Apart from the fact that they aren't human, nya~" Eiji commented. "Eiji!" Oishi reprimanded. "The students and staff were afraid of what might the world think of them. They believe that humans were evil, ever since the day came where the humans attacked their homes." He paused yet again, "Yet Ciana found a way to show them that all humans are not evil. The tournament was Ciana's idea for the students to see that humans won't hurt them."

"What makes her think that?" Hanamura asked. "She saw the dedication the players had to tennis and wanted the students to see that. Their dedication is connected to their personalities." he sighed, "Unfortunately, they had to disappear right now."

Silence filled the room. Everyone had a chance to think about what they've just heard. "We apologized for making you come here." Allistar stated. As he said this statement, Luther and Christy came in. "Principal! We have a problem!" Luther exclaimed. "What is it!?" he asked, concerned.

Christy cried out, "Ciana's gone!"


Cliffhangers are awesome!

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