Allistar vs Crusader Part I

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Earth and Wind have come to save Fire, Water, Light and Darkness.


The party arrived at a tall stone wall. On the wall was a large metal door covered in dirt and a few plants. Guarding the door were various magical and mythical creatures. Each of them having an evil intent.

"So what's the plan?" Echizen asked. Christy brought out several bags. "These bags contain magic spheres holding the spell I used to transport the serpents." she explained, "Those creatures are students of the academy, so all we have to do is throw these orbs at them."

Ciana giggled. "Why are you laughing?" Sanada asked. "For some reason, the orb throwing reminded me of Pokemon." she explained. Echizen smirked. "Stop being so childish." Christy demanded.

The two stopped laughing. "So when are we attacking?" Kite questioned. "Well, we could wait." Luther stated, looking back at the entrance, "But they've already seen us." "What?!" they exclaimed.

It's true. While they were talking, one of the creatures noticed their presence. So half of them started to advance on their hiding place.

Once they gave away their presence, the fight began. Not really a fight-fight. More like the avoid-hurting-the-opponent-because-they've-been-brainwashed fight.

The party started to throw the orbs at the creatures. Once hit, the glass broke. The spell slipped through the cracks. Similar to what happened to the serpents, circles appeared under the creatures and disappeared.

They were getting the upper hand. But that changed when the door opened to reveal more creatures. "You guys go ahead! We'll handle this!" Sanada shouted. Christy, Kajimoto and Fuji at his side.

Luther nodded and ran inside. The others following him while Paulo flew in. They ran as fast as they can. While doing so, the transported the other creatures. There were more of them inside the facility than outside.

"Where are we going exactly?!" Kevin questioned. "Paulo knows the way! We just have to follow him!" Luther answered. Then he and Kite suddenly stopped. "What are you two doing?!" Tezuka questioned. "We'll hold them off! Just go stop Crusader!" Kite yelled.

The remaining members of the party continued their way.

Finally, they came upon a large door that said, 'Restricted'. Paulo let out a roar and smashed the door open with his talons.

They entered the room. Once inside, they saw six large containers. One of them looked like it was smashed open. Behind the large containers were more containers, each varying from size. There was a computer setup in the center of the room.

And there, standing near the setup, was a man who looked like Allistar but had brown brown hair and black eyes. He grinned evilly, "Welcome to my lab, dear grandchildren of mine and their human pest friends." Paulo growled while Ciana glared at the man.

"You're not my grandfather! You're just a crazy griffin who wants to rid the world of humans!" she exclaimed. Crusader laughed, manically. "Humans are judgemental creatures. One look at us, they start to alienate us and try to kill us." he looked at them, "Just like your parents."

Paulo roared and charged towards Crusader. But before he could even touch Crusader, a dragon, the same size as Paulo, with gold scales and green eyes tackled him away from Crusader.

The dragon got off of Paulo and snarled at him. Crusader laughed, "Well isn't this nice. A reunion between dragons." Then three more dragons appeared. One dragon, smaller than Paulo, had black scales and red eyes. The dragon beside it was three times larger than Paulo and had blue scales and green eyes. And the last dragon was the biggest of them all and had red scales and black eyes.

Ciana growled, "What did you do to my family?!"

Instead of answering, he laughed. Then he added, "Kill them."


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