Ancient Secrets

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Ciana: I'm back people!

Me: Yes. Yes you are. Now go do the disclaimer!

Ciana: joni99 does not own Prince of Tennis. Only her OCs and the plot.

Diana: Elements returned with a new hope from the Wind.


"And that's how Crusader was defeated." Apollo ended.

In front of her were the Ichinen Trio, Sakuno, Tomoka and Dan. They were listening to her story of what happened at the academy. "That's amazing, desu!" Dan exclaimed. "Ryoma-sama is the best!" Tomoka added. "T-Tomo-chan..." Sakuno said as she calmed her friend down.

"I could do that if I was there!" Horio proclaimed. "No you can't!" Tomoka argued. Thus an argument began between the two first years. Kachiro, Katsuo and Sakuno tried to calm them down which failed.

Dan looked around, "Speaking of which, desu," he stated, "Where is Echizen?" Apollo shrugged. "Ciana dragged him off somewhere. Saying that they had a match to finish." He explained, pointing at the direction of the tennis courts.

Now you may be wondering where they are. They are at the grounds of Allistar Academy. The tournament sponsored by the academy was going on right then. And right now, people from outside the academy are allowed to enter.

After the defeat of Crusader, Allistar had some thoughts about what was going on and made a decision. The academy was no longer an academy of mystery and outsiders were allowed, which explained why the freshmen from Seigaku was there. But they still hid their true race as ordered by Allistar.

Apparently, Apollo's statement ceased the argument. "What?! That means they're having a tennis match!" Horio exclaimed. He and the others ran off to the direction Apollo was pointing at.

Apollo turned to Dan, "Didn't my sister and Echizen have a match before?" he asked. Dan scratched the back of his head, "According to what Minami-buchou told me, the match stopped halfway because Paulo brought out a vanilla cupcake." The 3rd Ancient sighed, "Well, let's go follow them and see who's going to win." He and Dan followed the other freshmen after.


(A/N: I'm too lazy to write the whole match, so the match ended when Apollo and Dan arrived. Also, I apologize if the announcement of the winner was incorrect because I forgot how they say it properly.)

"Game, Set and Match! Six games to four! Echizen is the winner!" Carlo announced. The audience cheered. "Yay! Hooray!" Ciana cheered, despite losing. At the stands, were the tennis players and students of Allistar.

"Why is she still happy despite her loss?" Atobe questioned. Cordelia giggled beside him. "Maybe she's just a good sportsman or woman." Billy stated. Marina narrowed her eyes at Ciana, "But it seems suspicious..." she said, looking at her closely. Fortunately, Cordelia spotted it first, "All of her restrictions are off!"

This surprised and shocked the students but confused the players. Marina ran towards Paulo, who was eating a slice of chocolate cake. "Paulo! Why did you take off all of her restrictions?!" she questioned. Said boy swallowed his food and answered, "She told me that Carlo allowed her to remove her restrictions." "Some of her restrictions not all of them!" she exclaimed.

"Wait a second!" Momo yelled, "What do you mean by 'restrictions'?" he asked. "Ciana wears five powerwrists on each arm and five powerankles on each leg that each weigh 10 kilos each. And she wears a belt around her waist that weighs 30 kilos in order for her to stop running around." Cordelia explained.

"How is she still alive?!" They, except the calm one because they're calm, exclaimed. Marina, who was finished scolding Paulo, ran to the ledge. "Carlo! Ciana's going to-" "Ha! Hahahaha!" Ciana laughed and ran off. Leaving a strong gust of wind.

The wind managed to blow away the court and the stands. Even the people who, fortunately, was only a little hurt. Carlo got up, "Someone catch her!" And like what happened with the assembly, the students and staff chased Ciana. Only to fail due to her enhanced speed. "You'll never take me alive or dead!" she shouted.

And that concludes the story of The Legends.


It's finally done!

Now I can continue and finish my other stories.

It's not plagiarism. I hate plagiarism. I refuse to do plagiarism. And you guys shouldn't do plagiarism. It's bad!

Anyways, please do the stuff that makes the story happy because it's finished now!

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