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Ciana: Hello!

Me: They don't know you yet!

Ciana: But I'm in the character list in which you described some of the characters there.

Me: I know, but its only a little info.

Ciana: Wind, or should I say Whirlwind, has appeared.


A week later, Echizen, with the other freshman, was remembering the incident from the week before. "I could beat one of those Allistar Academy students with my 2 years of tennis experience." Horio proclaimed. "No you can't!" Tomoka retorted. "T-Tomo-chan..." Sakuno whispered. "But how could you defeat players who are known to be inhuman?" Kachiro questioned. "The girl yesterday seemed to be one of them and she seemed to look strange." Katsuo commented.

Echizen came to a stop, which made the others bump into him. "Why'd you stop, Echizen?" Horio asked. They looked at where he was staring at. "Ehhh!?" they exclaimed.

In front of them were the tennis courts. But not only were the regulars and members of Seigaku tennis team were there, but the captains and vice captains of other schools' tennis teams were there. Fudomine, St. Rudolph, Yamabuki, Hyotei, Josei Shonen, Rokkaku, Rikkai, Shitenhoji and Higa.

"W-What are they doing here?" Katsuo asked. "Oi Ochibi! Ichinen!" Kikumaru called. They followed the sound of his voice and saw him, with the other regulars. They quickly walked towards them. Once they got closer, they noticed a dark brown-haired male with silver eyes talking with Tezuka.

"What's going on?" Echizen asked. "Allistar Academy challenged us to tennis matches." Fuji answered. "So who's that?" he said, pointing at the silver-eyed boy. "That's Rowan Albert, Allistar Academy's tennis team's captain." Inui stated. "Burning! I can beat those weirdos with my power!" Taka yelled, swinging the school's flag.

"Where are your teammates?" Tezuka asked Rowan, gaining everyone's attention. Rowan scratched the back of his head, "I have no idea. I went ahead of them." he told him. "What kind of captain loses his own team?" Wakato commented. "But I do know how to find one of them." he said.

He put his bag down and rummaged through it. He brought out a square-shaped, white box, which he opened to reveal a vanilla cake. He held it out and waited. "How is that going to find-" Oishi didn't finish his question when a strong breeze passed them. The cake disappeared from the box and the whole area started to have flurries of wind.

"Could I borrow this?" Rowan asked Taka, taking the flagpole from him. "Um, sure." Taka replied. Rowan closed his eyes, then opened them, slamming the pole into the ground. The wind stopped once something-or someone-slammed into it.

"I'm okay!" A familiar white-haired, green-eyed girl cheered, hands in the air. The tennis players who saw the girl from before yelled in surprise, except for the composed ones. "You're that girl!" Kikumaru and Momo exclaimed. "Eh?" the white-haired girl said. "I thought you knew their tennis skills from your sister." Rowan stated.

The girl pouted, "I wanted to see it for real." "Wait! Sister?!" Kamio questioned. "Yep! Marina Ancient's her name!" she cheered. "Then who are you?" Kite asked. She saluted, "I'm the 5th child, Ciana Ancient."

"Ciana Ancient? I've heard that name before." Shiraishi said. "You may know her by her name: Whirlwind." Rowan added. "The European champion!" Aoi exclaimed.

Ciana closed one eye and stuck her tongue out, "Yep! Yep!"


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