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Apollo: For this and previous chapters: joni99 does not own Prince of Tennis.

Carlo: Disappearing myths. Five of six elements captured.


A week later, the players got used to the training styles of the Ancient children. Only problem was that Ciana was purposely making their training hard for them. But they got used to her craziness too. Still, some of them were curious as to why she looks inhuman.

Now, the players were playing matches against each other to see how they've improved. (A/N: Too lazy to type the matches and who's playing whom.)

"Tezuka, have noticed something?" Atobe asked the stoic captain of Seigaku. "I have." he replied.

"Hey!" Kintaro called, gaining the attention if the rest, "Where is everybody!?" They were at the tennis courts. Usually, there would be some Allistar students watching them. But strangely, there were none. "Now that you mentioned it, the number of students have decreased over the past few days." Inui commented.

"Are you saying that they 'disappeared'?" Akaya quoted. "They have." A voice told them. They turned to see Christy, who was looking through her phone. "Hey Christy!" Marui greeted. She threw his a cupcake which he gladly accepted. Jackal facepalmed at his partner's antics.

Christy faced the captains, "You and your teams need to assemble at the Assembly Hall." she told them. The captains called their teammates and they headed off to the Assembly Hall.

***********(Too lazy to write about their journey of going there)************

The players were seated at the hall. Some of them noticed that the only students present were Carlo, Marina, Luther and Christy. "What's going on?" Choutarou asked. "Yeah. Where are the other students?" Kenya questioned. The players started to ask more questions on where the students are.

A cough interrupted the chatter, "May I please have your attention?" Allistar called. Behind him were the coaches. (A/N: This story mainly focuses on the players. The coaches have a minor role in this story since I couldn't think of any scenes of them here until now.)

"As you may have noticed, there are only four Allistar students here. The reason is because the students have disappeared." This shocked the players. "We don't know who or what took them or if they wandered off on their own. We're not exactly sure. All we know was that the disappearances occurred at midnight. So we ask of you to make sure that nothing will get in your room or that you won't be outside at that time." He paused. "Lastly," he narrowed his eyes, "Don't tell Ciana about this."

*********Back at the dorms [8 PM]************

Marina came to the dorms to check if the players followed Allistar's instructions. They helped each other, making sure everyone was safe. "Why can't we tell Ciana?" Echizen asked her. Marina looked at the freshman. "Ciana's personality is full of optimism. If her family or friends were in danger, she'll think it's her fault." she explained. "Why would she think that?" he asked.

She sighed, "It was because of a certain event that happened 3 years ago. And don't ask what happened." She told him when she saw that he was about to ask that question. "So if she finds out that the others disappeared, she'll think it's her fault." He summarized.

Marina nodded, "Ciana's job was to keep watch of the students. She'll never forgive herself if anything bad happened to them. Especially when three of the students were Apollo, Paulo and Diana."

Before Echizen could speak, Kintaro ran up to them. "Marina-san!" he wheezed. "What is it?" she asked. "Something strange is standing in front of the forest!" This got her attention and she ran off, Echizen and Kintaro at her heels.

They arrived at where Tezuka, Atobe, Yukimura, Shiraishi and Kite was. "What is it?" she asked. Kite turned to her, "It looks like a large black bird with glowing red eyes." Marina growled. "Get back inside."

"Marina?" Tezuka called, surprised at her tone. "It's mine!" She charged towards the bird, who started to back away into the forest. Inside the dorm, the grandfather clock struck twelve. "Marina!" The familiar voice of Carlo was heard.

The others were watching from the windows. There, they saw that Carlo jumped off the roof. Running after his sister. The two disappeared into the forest. "Should we follow them?" Yukimura asked. Tezuka shook his head, "We should follow Allistar's instructions." The captains nodded and went back inside.

*************In the morning****************

Echizen couldn't sleep a wink last night with these turn of events. He was walking down the stairs when he stopped. Sitting at the couch was Luther. "Luther?" he called. Said boy stood up, "Where are your captains? The coaches needs to talk to them." He stated.

"Sure. But what happened?" Echizen asked. Luther looked grim, "Carlo and Marina went after the creature from the forest last night." he explained. "I remember that."

"Well," Luther looked at him, "They never came back."


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