An Apology Gone Wrong

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A/N Hello my Minions! :D After you read this chapter, you may hate me and a certain Taylor. Don't freak out just yet! I had to do it! I know this chapter is late and short but I just started school again and I have homework very night. I'm trying! Oh, and I think I'll upload twice today as an apology! <3 I love you guys! Ethan over there~~~>

Leighton’s POV:

A knock on my door shook me out of my depressing thoughts.

          “Come in.” I said weakly.

The door opened and Jaden walked in. I half smiled at him as he walked over to my bed. He sat beside me and pulled me into a hug.

          “I’m sorry. I didn’t think of how they would react. I shouldn’t have done that.” His chest vibrated when he talked.

          “It’s okay.” I told him simply.

          “No, it isn’t. Do you want to watch a movie to get your mind off of it?

I nodded. He grinned and jumped off my bed. He walked over to my TV and looked at all of my movies.

          “AHA!” He yelled and put a movie in.

I laughed when I realized what he picked.

“Jaws 3?” I giggled.

          “Hey, this movie is awesome!” He defended.

I shook my head before I turned my attention to the movie.

 Blake’s POV

He kissed her. One of my best friends kissed Leighton. It wasn’t just an innocent peck. No, they made out right in front of me.





That’s all I felt.

Now, I feel guilty and stupid. It was only a game. I knew she felt terrible about doing it the moment we locked eyes. I’m such a jerk; I’m a jealous jerk. I wanted it to be me on the other side of that kiss. I just wish she were mine and ONLY mine. ‘

          I sighed and walked over to my door. Apology time. I made my way down the hallway and to her door. I took a deep breath and knocked. No answer. I tried again. Nothing.

          I opened the door and peaked inside. What the hell? I opened the door more. Leighton and Jaden were lying on her bed. Their legs were tangled together, and Leighton’s head was on his chest. His arms were wrapped around her. I felt another pang of jealousy. The jealousy was soon replaced my anger. I turned and left the room to find Aaron and Logan.  I refuse to let them get hurt by her. She’s playing all  of us.  

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