Chapter 3

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After washing the dishes, I reached my backpack and my files before pacing towards the door. Just before I pulled the knob, I heard Diane climbed down the stairs.

"Kate, where's my key?" She seems bewildered and puzzled. I smirked, realizing how clumsy she could be. I turned back towards the table just near the couch and put it at the tip of my finger.

"Here!" I showed her the key.

"Gosh," she wiped away her sweat and reached for the key. "Thanks, Kate!" She said.

"Welcome," I smiled and paced again towards the door. My step was stopped by Diane.

"Kate, by any chance, do you want me to drop you off at school?" She offered. "Well, my meeting is postponed to one hour later so," she waited for me to answer.

"No, Diane. It's okay. I'm going with El," I pulled the doorknob and as expected, Eleanor had arrived in her car. She honked a few times.

"El, stop!" I tied my shoelaces while my eyes glancing at her behaviour a few times. She made a consecutive honking in front of my house.

"Come on, Kate! We're gonna be late!" She smiled to taunt me. She honked again.

"Shut up, El! You're gonna jinx me," I exclaimed as I opened the car door.

"Can't jinx certainties, Kate," she uttered as I took a seat beside her. I tightened the seatbelt and Eleanor drove us to school.

She increase the volume when the Lie To Me by 5 Seconds of Summer song seized the car. "You're really a die-hard fan of 5SOS aren't you?" I laughed.

"Of course," she agreed with me. "Luke Hemmings is definitely my type. I really have a huge crush on him," she said.

I just smirked and then I put my eyes on the window. It's crazy how things are going since the traumatic night I had experienced. Everyone around me might think I had forgotten those things but no, I didn't. My hands still shaking every time I saw someone that resemble Carter and his troopers.

"You okay?"

I was so surprised and then, I looked at her. "Yah, I'm fine," I replied.


The bell rang indicating that it was recess time. My class just now was Biology Class with Madam Emerie so usually, she would let us free 5 minutes after the bell rang. Everyone got used to it.

As I arrived at the cafeteria, I craned my neck to find Barbara, Phoebe and Eleanor. They are technically my best friends. But Eleanor is more than just a best friend. She is a family to me.

When I saw Barbara waving at me, I smiled. I mimed showing a sign that I wanted to buy my meals. And she replied with the 'OK' sign. Immediately, I queued at the line. I hummed a song by Taylor Swift which I could not remember the title. And suddenly...

"Hi, Katie," Someone lined up at my back. It was Gabriel McKenzie, my ex-boyfriend and also now is Barbara's boyfriend.

"Hi, Gabe!" I pretended that I excited to see him but I didn't. He's nice but I didn't want Barbara to misunderstand our relationship.

"So, are you coming to Helena's party this weekend?" he asked.

"Um... I don't know, Gabe. I mean, you know, for these few months forward, our gym class will be placed at the empty space beside basketball training hall and we had a few issues about it, you know," I expected him to understand by his own self because I'm too lazy to clarify to him. "Is Barbs coming?" I asked as we stepped forward.

"Of course, she never missed a party, you know that right?"

I nodded as I reached the tray and the cooker and his worker put a complete set of meals on my tray.

As I wanted to take out my purse, Gabe immediately said, "I paid for her too." He was faster to pay and left me surprised.

We walked by each other's side. "You don't have to do that, you know?" I said and Gabe smiled. We went to the same site because Gabe and Barb always have lunch together.

"Hi, babe!" Gabe said and he kissed Barb on her lips. He took a seat beside her and Barb already leaned her head on Gabe's shoulder.

"Hi, Kate," Eleanor said to me as I took a seat beside her. I smiled. "Guess what?" She asked.

I was curious as I took a bite of strawberry. "What?" I asked.

"Phoebe has a boyfriend!!" Eleanor was so mirthful. It is because Phoebe never hangs out with anyone because she slept with different boys every single month.

"Oh my God, Eleanor! He's not anyone's boyfriend!" Phoebe insisted.

"Of course, he is your boyfriend!" Eleanor said.

"Oh my God! Katie, please don't believe her, okay? Do you hear me?" Phoebe looked at me. I smirked and laughed a bit. "I don't date him or hang out with him. But, yeah we have something in between but not a sort of love relationship," Phoebe continued.

"Then, what is it?" Eleanor asked.

Just a moment after Eleanor asked the question, I felt my head spinning as I tried gasping to get air. I stood up, tried to tap my chest and I found myself struggle as something stuck in my throat. The suffocation was seizing me until I fell on my back and my body laid on the floor.


"Whatcu doin here, bud?" We did the handshake and I took a seat at the place where our school's basketball team usually sit.

"Coach asked me to come so here I am. Coaching the Rayhawks for our next league!!" I yelled. Everyone was going crazy and cheered and shouted out loud. As the noisy moment came to relief, I opened a tin of cola and I took a sip of it.

"Look at Gabe! He never moved on!" Billy, one of the Rayhawks, which is the name of our team, pointed out his finger to Gabriel who was walking by a girl's side. Gabriel also one of the Rayhawks.

I was awed when I saw the girl beside Gabe. She's Katherine. I was completely in awe when she waved her long hair and pinned it to her ear, allowing me to enjoy the beauty of her. I look like a fool and a complete moron but I was really attracted to her.

"He really loves that girl more than Barbara! I bet on that!" said another person, Jay.

I ignored whatever they were saying because I only focused on her face. How graceful she took a seat when she arrived at her table which was beside mine. How she smiled when her friends tell her jokes, perhaps?

I slept with many girls before I met her. Although me and Katherine didn't make out or sleep together, I couldn't get her out of my mind. She's really one of a kind.

"No, man! Gabe really loves Barbara," another person replied. I didn't really care who it was.

And then, I saw Katherine stood up and tapped her chest a few times. She was coughing hard. Everyone around her was panicking.

"She is choking!" Billy yelled. Immediately I ran toward her and just before her body reached the floor, she fell onto my arm. I laid her body down on the floor and I heard that Eleanor was calling the ambulance while her friends finding the teacher. I did the finger sweep to find any foreign object in her mouth but I couldn't find any. She was conscious but still coughing.

I listened for her breath and observed her chest, but I could assume that she struggled to breathe so I performed the back blow. A few seconds later I found it didn't work out. Everyone started to get panicked. I could feel she was tired but then I helped her sitting and I sat behind her, wrapping my arm around her waist. I placed my clenched fist above her navel and grab my fist with my right hand.

"I will do the Heimlich manoeuvre, count with me!" I said to Gabe who sat beside me.

"Okay, one..two..three.." as Gabe said three, I performed the abdominal thrust. I performed it about 5 times until the blockage dislodged and something came out from Katherine's mouth. I could hear she's coughing and started to breathe well but still gasping. She laid on my arm to relieve the intensity and looked at me in my eyes. I smiled and I put her messy hair in place.

"Katie?" Gabriel approached her. "You okay?" He asked.

Katherine nodded her head and she looked at me again. She smiled but her face was pale and she looked like she forced herself to smile.

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