Chapter 9

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"That's the correct one," I pointed out the correct answer and how to solve them in a piece of paper to Gabriel. "You have to make sure that the negative and positive are right when you transfer it to the opposite side," I added.

"Wow, I was really careless," he scanned the paper.

"Couldn't disagree with that!" I joked. "Well," I took the paper and sit closer to him so I could show him his mistake. "This is supposed to be 5, but what you did is, you didn't change the -5 to 5 thus the wrong answer."

And when I turned my heads up to look at him, I didn't realize that we were so close and our faces were just an inch away. I froze for a while.

"Sorry," I said as I was distancing myself.

"I think I should go," Gabriel packed his bag. "Thanks, Katie," he smiled.

"Anytime," I replied and he waved at me before leaving.

Then, Eleanor ran towards me as she yelled, "Kate!" and she hurried herself up to sit beside me. "Have you heard of it?" she asked.

"Heard of what?" I frowned.

"The whole school have known this and talked about this," she said.

"About what?" I asked, getting even more curious.

"Your Romeo, Chris Daniels, has asked for forgiveness from all of his victims," she jokingly cut herself so that I had to ask.

"Good for him," I smiled as I remembered that I asked him to prove himself that he is a good person.

"When this thing happened, I actually remember that he is one of the most rebellious and naughtiest in this school. Should have realized that earlier," she monologued. "But then, he apologised to Madam Aubrey because he's the one that put the rat in her bag,"

My eyes went wide, "The rat case was his doing?" I was extremely surprised.

"Don't cut me off," Eleanor said. "You know what happens after he admits his mistake to Madam Aubrey?" she raised her eyebrows. I shook my head. Eleanor laughed. "He has to do 10 minutes plank under the scorching sun, 10 minutes that equivalent to 10 days of Madam Aubrey suffered from the case."

"Where?" I asked, getting even nervous.

"At the parking lot," she said. As fast as lightning, I put all my stuff in my bag and I rushed to the parking lot. "Hey, Kate! Where are you going? Kate!" I ignored her.

I ran towards the parking lot as fast as I could and I saw a crowd of students cheering and making noise from far. I forced myself throughout the flood of people to get a closer look and when my vision wasn't disturbed, I could see Chris. He was doing a plank and his t-shirt was covered with sweat. And then, he turned his head and when he saw me, he smiled. I just showed a sign for him to keep strong and he nodded.

"10..9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..." all of the students around me yelling. And when they mention 'one', Chris collapsed himself to the ground and everyone clapped and cheered on him. Madam Aubrey immediately left and I waited for everyone to disassembled so I could run towards him.

After most of them disappeared, I ran towards Chris and I tried to check for his breathing and everything that I could. And I could look from the corner of my eyes that his basketball teammates approaching.

"Chris," I slapped his face gently but at the same time, I was worried that he would pass out.

And then, Chris woke up and sat while holding my shoulders. "Hi," he said.

I relieved and smiled. "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. His teammates gave their hands so Chris could stand up.

"I felt like I freaking lost my hands and legs," he put his arm or his friends' shoulders and started to leave. Chris turned his head to look at me and I waved at him.

After they disappeared, my phone rang. "Good afternoon, may I talk to Miss Katherine G. Winter?"

"Yes, it's me," I said.

"Hello, I am Nefario from Citigroup. I have gone through your account and I have called the person who had transferred the money to you and I believes it wasn't a mistake," he explained.

"What? Who is he?" I asked.

"The sender's profile is strictly confidential and he told us that he really wanted to transfer the money to you," he answered.

"It can't be! There's must be a mistake," I whispered to myself.

"Is there anything I can help, Miss Winter?" he asked.

"Um... no, thank you Mr Nefario," I said and I disconnected the call.


"I don't know, Diane. I have called the bank and they said it wasn't a mistake. There's must be something wrong," I covered my face with my palm and rested my elbow on the dining table.

"I think you should resign, Kate," Diane said after a few seconds of silence.

"Why?" I turned my head up.

"I have got the position that I have been dreaming of having this entire time and this year is your senior year, it only happens once in a lifetime and make hay while the sun shines," she took out the milk from the refrigerator and poured it into two glasses. She passed me one and I took a sip of it. "Look, you've got the money, yesterday and today. It's not a mistake, maybe it's your scholarship," she guessed.

"But I didn't apply for a scholarship," I answered.

"Maybe from your parents' heritage?" she guessed again.

"Urghh..." I covered my face again with my palms and I closed my eyes.

"Kate," Diane took a seat beside me and took my hands so I wouldn't cover my face anymore. "Just resign from working there, I've got to be an editor and you should enjoy life, make it as a memorable year of your life," she advised.


I hugged Lucas, Rose, one of the workers there and Jeremy, manager of the cafe and also Lucas's father, before I stepped out of the cafe.

I hugged Jeremy tightly because I have been working there since I was 14 years old and we were so close. "Thank you, sweetheart," he whispered at my ears.

When I pulled away, Eleanor stood beside me. "I promise I will come back here after I finished with my school," I said. "This is Diane's request and this is also for the sake of myself," I continued and I smiled.

"You are always welcomed here, Katie," Mr Jeremy said.

"Thanks, Jeremy," I smiled. "And Lucas, please, take the chance before it's too late!" I joked and he laughed. Eleanor nudged me in my elbow. I stepped backwards and I waved at them. Eleanor turned the 'open' signboard on the door to 'closed' as the watch on her wrist showed, 11.30 p.m. and everyone started to exit the cafe and they gave me one last wave.

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