Letter 9

122 3 0

Dear Michael,

CT doesn't talk to me anymore. Neither does my brother... Instead, CT and F spend more time together.

I think they've given up on me.... I didn't tell them about the deppression thingy or the cutting.

My brother would freak out if I told him. So would my bestfriend.

I don't know how to talk to them anymore.

I feel so alone.

I cut again... this time, on my wrist rather than where I usually do it, on my thighs.

It kind of explains the blood on the paper.

But.. cutting on my wrist was a stupid idea because now I have a whole row of cuts to cover and everyone will notice because my sleeves will have to be longer.

Hopefully no one questions it.

I'm sorry.

Yours Forever


Ps. I ♥ You

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