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I lay on my bed, sprawled out.

I felt empty inside.


"Stupid Kylie. Stupid Michael. Stupid letters. Stupid Cashton." I mumbled.

I looked over at my arm.

Rows and rows of red puffy lines.

I grimaced at how disfigured my skin looked.

Michael never came back to the room.

He hasn't talked to me since he kissed me.

4 days.

96 hours.

5760 minutes.

345 600 seconds.

He's been out with Kylie.

Always Kylie.

"Bloody bastard. Kisses me and runs away, trying to avoid the situation."

A knock on my door interrupts my solitude.


I groan.

"The fⓤck do you want, Irwin" I throw a pillow at the door.

"Hey... don't swear." He whines, coming inside and closing the door behind him.

"Fuckballs shitdicks assnipples cockfuck fⓤck" I continue to curse.

(A/N I really love that tweet :33 don't judge)

"Stop it you cock sucker" he whines again.

I smirk.

"You just swore. And... i'm pretty sure you suck too."

"You're right... but only Calum's."

We laugh.

"You going to tell Uncle Ash why you're cooped up in your room." His head appears infront of my face.

"No." I sulk.

He starts to poke my cheek repeatedly.

"Tell me." He whines. "Do I have to get Mikey in here?"

I frown.

"Michael won't want to talk to me. He's been avoiding me for 4 days."

Silence filled the room.

Just... tell him.

"Michael kissed me.." I mumbled.

You could literally feel the awkward tension fill the room.

There was silence again.

Until Ashton started singing.

You could cut a tension with a knife in here.

I giggled, joining in.

'Cause I know what'll happen

If we get through this

And if the earth ends up crumbling down to it's knees, baby

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

And if these skyscrapers, tumble down and crash around baby

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

"You need more solos." I nudge him with my elbow.

He chuckles in amusement.

"Nah, i sound like shⓘt."

"You know... sometimes.. when I feel upset, I think back to when I was 16, 17. I felt suffocated with no escape. Thats why I did it." He starts.

I feel his hand wrap around my wrist.

"You should think twice when you do this. Stop for me and the others." He whispers.

"When you want to do it.. think of me. Imagine it was my arm, you wouldn't want to hurt me, would you?" I shook my head.

"I love you, Lukey."

"Love you, Ash.


He smiles, I sit up and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Go to sleep, Lucas." He whispers after some time.


Ps. I ♥ You //5SOS//Where stories live. Discover now