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"Mikey!!" A piercing scream interrupted my thoughts.

My head snapped towards the voice.

I mentally facepalmed.

"The fuck do you want Kendall?" I groaned.

"You know what I want?" She whispers, sitting in my lap.

I could feel the a sudden uneasiness fill my body as I tried to think of a nice way to tell Kendall to get off me..

Okay... scratch 'Nice' off that thought.

"Kendall... get the fuck off me would you?!" I snapped at her, forcefully getting up.

She fell to the floor and it took all my will power not to laugh.

She got up and glared at me, stalking away.

"Ohmygod.." I released the breath I had been holding in, placing a hand over my stomach as I laughed uncontrollably.

"Wow... Clifford, didn't know you could take my sister on like that." I hear Kylie's voice as I try to contain my laughter.

"She's a slut. And don't she dare deny it." I said, trying to imitate Kendall's voice but failing miserably.

Kylie burst out laughing as she looped her arm through mine.

"Come on Jenner.. lets go." I said, pulling her out into the large crowd of flashes and loud noise.

*Super super super big Time Skip because... lazy*

We stood infront of my place as she and I got out of her car.

"Bye Kyles." I say, kissing her cheek.

She giggled and leaned in close to my ear.

"I believe... that you have a blonde haired boy waiting for you inside that house of yours." She whispers before pulling away, grinning uncontrollably.

"Bye Mikey." She giggles again, kissing my cheek, leaving me standing there speechless.

How the fuck did she know about Luke?

I turned around to the house and walked inside.

It was quiet.

"Hello??" I called out.

As I walked into the house, I turned on the lights, noticing the red stains on the carpet.

My eyes widened as I noticed it formed a trail.

I followed the patches of red all the way to Luke's room.


I was about to open the door when my phone started ringing.

I pulled it out, answering without checking the ID.

"Michael... he.. I. . We" he stammered.

"Where are you, Ash??!" I asked, my hands frantically gripping my hair.

(A/N Way to help yourself on your journey to baldness Michael)

"Hospital.." he whispers.

What happened next was all a blur.

I rushed out of the house.

My hands gripped the handle of the car door and I almost yank it off its hinges.

I get in and drive all the way to the hospital..

It wasn't the best driving because I was crying and rushing and just panicky and worried.

But I made it there safely... may have almost drove myself into a lamp post, but I made it.

I ran up to the counter, slamming my hands onto the surface making the receptionist flinch a little.

"Luke Hemmings?" I breathed out.

My face was probably red enough to match my hair... I might be scaring her a little.

She hurriedly browsed through the records, her tongue sticking out as she glanced over the computer screen.

"Room 167 in the Blue Sector Wards. Second floor to the left." She said, giving me a worried expression. "Sweetie, are you o-"

I cut her off, rushing out a quick thank you as I dashed to the staircase.

*spongebob narrator voice* three flights of steps and a couple of rooms later





I gripped the handle, pushing the door open.

My eyes widened at the sight.

Luke was asleep on the bed.

He was super pale.

He had his arms around Calum who was also sleeping.

Ashton turned his head towards me.

I gave him a weak smile, walking over to him.

"I woke up and.. he wasn't in my arms anymore.. and.. we found him cutting in the toilet." Ash whispered. "I couldn't stop him... its my fault. He relapsed and I wasn't awake to help him."

I wrap my arms around him.

"Its not your fault Ash.. don't blame yourself."

"He cut too deep.. almost.. just.. narrowly missed. I was so scared." He continued to cry and I continued to comfort him.

Soon, the sniffling stopped and soft snores filled the room.

I lean my head back against the wall, closing my eyes for a moment.

"Mikey?"I hear a small voice call out.

I turned my head to face the direction of the voice.

I got off the bench, leaving Ashton who had fallen asleep.

"Luke.." I kissed his cheek, a tear sliding down my face when I noticed that he was deathly pale.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't supress the need to do it.. I relapsed. I broke my promise." He cries.

I kneel down beside his bed.

"Its okay, Princess. You did well in trying to stop yourself. You've been strong for too long." I kissed his cheek.

A slight grin spreads across his features and I hear the cutest giggle ever slip from his lips.

"You called me princess."

I laughed a little.

"Because you're girly and love to wear flower crowns"

"I'm not girly.. and the flower crowns were Ashton's idea." he pouted.

It was quiet after that..

"Hey.. Mikey?"


"I love you."

I hesitated before replying.

"I love you too, Princess."

Ps. I ♥ You //5SOS//Where stories live. Discover now