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I walked into my room, I hadn't seen Luke since last night and it was now 2 in the afternoon.

In my hand, I held the most recent letter from L. I already read it. I feel bad for her.

I closed my door and screamed at the sight infront of me.

There was a figure on my bed.

A tuft of blonde hair peeked out from underneath the figure's jacket hood.


I heaved a sigh of relief and moved closer to Luke.

He had tears streaming down his face.

"Ash-Ashton... yesterday.... saw.. h-he.." Luke stuttered.

He shoved his wrist in my face.

He looked at me, his eyes full of pain.

He glanced down at his bracelets before looking back up to meet my gaze.

"Do you want me to take 'em off?" I asked.

He nodded.

I looked at him, every wristband and bracelet I slid off his wrist, he winced a little as the material grazed against his scars.

"Sorry." i whispered.

He looked down.

"Why... you were 3 days clean?" i mumbled as I struggled to pull the multiple bracelets and wristbands off his wrists.

"I... i needed it." he whispered, tears streaming down his face.

"Next time you feel like it... think of me. Come talk to me okay." he nodded in response as I pulled off the last of his bracelets.

I grabbed the first aid kit in drawer beside my bed and pulled out the bandages, wrapping them around Luke's wrists.

After I finished, he pulled his bracelets and wristbands back on and I hugged him.

I began to think, L just got found out by her brother...  and Luke just got found out by Ashton...

I brushed these thoughts from my mind.

L is a girl. Don't be stupid Michael, besides... Luke is straight. Even if he was into guys, he wouldn't be into you.

I pulled Luke into a tighter embrace.

"I love you Lukey." i mumbled into his neck.

He tensed a little before wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"Love you too, Mikey."

Ps. I ♥ You //5SOS//Where stories live. Discover now