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I kissed Michael back, holding tightly onto him, scared that he would let go.

We both pulled away and he loosened his grip on me.

I rested my forehead on his.

"I love you, Luke."

"I love you, Mikey."

I took one step away his embrace just to admire his figure, totally forgetting that we were on the roof of a building.

"Luke!!" Michael screamed.

I lost my footing, falling of the edge.





Then everything turned black.


My eyes snapped open just as the cold liquid hit me.

I shrieked, shooting up to look at the person who threw the water.

"He's awake!!" The beautiful voice shouted.

I looked around me.

I was in my bed.


Didn't I just fall off a building.

I looked up to face Michael.

"Michael?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he turned to me.

"What happened?" I asked again.

He looked at me weirdly.

"You passed out after the concert and we brought you home. But you were out for hours so... we decided to pour cold water on you." He said.



Wasn't that last week?

"Michael... whats the date today?" I asked.

He gave me another look.

"Its the 1st September. Lucy and I's monthsary." He replied.

"Lucy?" I asked.

"Lucy... you know.... The girl who sent me the letters. My girlfriend. Her bestfriend is Candy Turner. She and I dated but she left me for Lucy's older brother Marcel or Finn, because he thinks his first name sounds nerdy. But.. they broke up and.. well Candy is now Kylie. We fake dated for awhile. And then I met my letter girl." He explained.

I was confused...

But... didn't I write the letters?

Don't tell me that it was all a dream.

I lived those two exact months in my dreams..

And it never happened in the first place.

I could've sworn I just fell off a building.

And... why the fuck is there a girl named Lucy dating MY Michael?

"Luke... ohmygod. You're okay." Calum shrieked, jumping onto the bed.

"Babe...he just woke up." Ashton followed after him.

I frowned.

They're dating.

Everything was just as it was.. except it wasn't Michael and I, it was Michael and-

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts.

Michael and I turned to the door.

A girl stood there. She had blue eyes like mine. Her blonde hair glistened in the light that shined from the window.

"Hi Luke.. Finn told me to check on you guys... just to make sure you were okay." The way she looked at me... it was freaking me out.

Michael walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Come on Lucy.. lets go back to Finn and my winning game." He said, wrapping his arm around her.

"You're not winning anymore." She giggled as they exited my room.

Cashton left the room soon after.

I frowned at the ceiling as tears slipped from the corners of my eyes.

I dreamed everything.

It was all in my head.

He looks happy with Lucy and she seems decent..

I got up and sat at my desk, sorting through all the papers.

A blue envelope with orange borders caught my eye.

Rage filled my body as the memories came flooding back.

The last letter.

The final letter where I revealed myself.

I pulled it out, ripping it to pieces.

I sunk to the floor, clutching my face in my hands.

Hot tears streamed down my face.

"I dreamed it all happened, but I never sent it. Michael and I were never real. And now this girl is here claiming my rightful place. Fuck my life." I muttered to myself.

I stood up and walked into the toilet, not bothering to close the door.

The glinting blade on the counter became my only objective.

I picked it up, aligning it to my wrist.

Everything after that was a blur.

I dropped to the floor.

I hear a door open and a scream.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness.

I hear my name being called out multiple times.

A mop of green hair entered my view.

I felt my body being lifted off the ground.

I let my lips part as I breathed out the words I hoped to be my last.

"I love you, Michael Clifford."

And then everything turned black.

And this time, I never woke up.


a/n Don't Hate Me

Ps. I ♥ You //5SOS//Where stories live. Discover now