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a/n just a little note... most of the letters mark a new day.. so... now, it has been "3 days" since Michael's last POV.....

I sifted my hands through my messy mop of hair, trying to make it as neat as possible to keep it out of my face as I sorted through pile of mail on the table.

"Any new letter from secret admirer." Ashton nudged me.

I scanned the table for the usual baby blue envelope with the orange borders..

"Honestly.. You're obsessed with those letters..." Ashton sighs dramatically.

"fuck off Ash.. its none of your business." i groan, waving him off.

The corners of my lips turned upwards as I pulled the envelope from the bottom of the pile.

I could hear Ash's not-so-silent laughing as I dashed to my room.

Pulling out the letter, I slowly unfolded the paper and was about to read when there was a knock on my door.

I stuffed the letter under my pillow and went to open the door.

"Michael..." Luke was crying.

I pulled him inside and closed the door.

"Whats wrong Lukey?" i asked him.

"Is it true... what they say on twitter. That I should die?" he cried.

I frowned at him.

"You're perfect Luke... don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They're just jealous of you." i hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around me.

"Love you, Mikey." he nuzzled his fave into my neck.

"Love you too Lukey." I smiled.

Luke stayed awhile and we continued to talk about things... most of it didn't make any sense.

When he left the room, I locked my door and grabbed the letter from beneath my pillow and started reading.

Ps. I ♥ You //5SOS//Where stories live. Discover now