
83 3 1

3 months later

I stood still onstage, taking in the view.

My hair stuckto my forehead due to sweat, the low quality red dye mixing with the sweat and trickling down my face.

.... like blood.


Calum was beside me, leaning into my mic as he started singing.

Torn in Two
And I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of

Then we all sang the chorus.

Wherever you are
Wherever you are

Everynight I almost call you
Just to say it always will be

Wherever you are

A tear slipped from the corner of my eye as I walked off the stage.

The moment we got home, I rushed into his room.

It was just as it had been 3 months ago.

The dried blood on the floor that nobody had bothered to clean.

Everything was where it should be.

I walked over to his desk, sitting down.

I noticed blue and white pieces of paper, sitting on his table.

Strangely.... I found the ripped paper familiar and alluring.

It had been torn into pieces as if... someone wanted to destroy its contents.

I picked at the pieces, trying to put it together.

I gasped.

Luke's handwriting.

In small cursive letters.

Yours Forever

Ps. I ♥ You


It all made sense.

CT for Calum Thomas.

F for Fletcher as in Ashton Fletcher.

L for Luke... Lucas Hemmings.

I felt more tears start to prick my eyes as I realized what a mistake I had made.

Kylie warned me...

But I didn't believe her.

I thought she was jealous.

It never made sense to me how Lucy and Luke were almost the same.

It never made sense to me whenever Kylie glared at Lucy thinking that I wasn't looking.

My bestfriend, the love of my life, is gone.

I grabbed another piece of paper off the table and the pen beside it.

I hurriedly scribbled down a short letter, leaving it his bed before getting up and walking out.

I stared into the room, closing the door for the last time.

I turned away, a tear slipping from my eye.

"I'm sorry, Luke. I love you."

Ps. I ♥ You //5SOS//Where stories live. Discover now