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Luke hasn't come out of Calum's room yet.

And Calum won't let me see him.

I'm starting to worry.

Loud screaming and picture flashes erupt from outside as we exited the mall.

Kylie clutched tightly onto my hand, hiding her face in my neck.

We hurriedly dashed through the crowd, trying to evade the mobs and the paparazzi.

"I didn't know it would be this bad." She squeaked once we reached the safety of the car.

The driver started driving and I heaved a sigj of relief.

"We can just blame Ken-Doll for this mess." I turned to her.

"Thank you for enduring this with me. I never thought you would've agreed." She mumbled.

I took her hands in mine.

"Whether you're Candy Turner or Kylie Jenner. I won't hate you." I smiled at her. "Besides.. that was long ago. Yeah."

"Thank you so much Michael Clifford." She said. "I really... I can't thank you enough."

"Just... don't turn out like your sister." We both laughed.

Atleast she can take my mind off Luke for a bit.

Just for a bit.

Ps. I ♥ You //5SOS//Where stories live. Discover now