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Luke isn't the same. He's always in his room.

Its so quiet, sometimes you can't help but wonder if he's really in there.

When he fainted on stage.

We were all worried.

But he's blocking everyone out.

"Luke?" I call..

No response..

I grip the handle and turn it.

It opens... and my eyes widen.

I push the door further open and look into the room.

He wasn't there.

And... on the bed was a familiar baby blue envelope I had grown accustomed to.

"Strange... how did L's letter get into Luke's room?" I say, picking the letter up.

I open it a began to read, dropping it almost immediately after.

Multiple thoughts moved about in my mind as my legs carried me as fast as they could.

Abandoned buildings, Old Carparks...

Tall dark scary buildings



Luke Hemmings

Ps. I Love You

*Stupid and irrelevant time skip*

"Lucas!" I shout as I run up the stairs of the old abandoned carpark.

Back in high-school (a/n we used to take it slow oh, sorry... couldn't resist) I took them here to hang out.

But.... after one visit... the others hated it.

So.... Luke and I came here regularly, and occasionally, Calum would tag along.

I called his name again.


Only the sound of my voice echoing off the walls of the seemingly empty building.

As I approached the top floor of the building, I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face, noticing the tall lanky figure standing at the edge of the building.

I dashed up the remaining steps, trying to reach him before he jumped.

Just a few steps more.

"I love you... you know that Michael?" He says and I stop moving.

I didn't reply..

"And if you loved me... you'd let me jump. Wouldn't you?" He adds.

Tears continue to stream down my face.

"I love you, Lucas. If you jump. I'd never forgive myself."

He looked over his shoulder.

I saw how pale he was, his eyes.... bloodshot.

"You don't mean it the way I say it. Look at me... nobody... could love someone like me." He laughs, turning back to the front.

It freaked me out.

I inched just a step closer to him.

I was close enough to grab him.

So I did.

I spun him around.

"Michael, let m-"

I kissed him.

Ps. I ♥ You //5SOS//Where stories live. Discover now